
NASA 3: Exploring The Stars

Decent Essays


Exploring The Stars

Space was so mysterious and frightening for thousands who dared to look up at the heavens. Many dared to wonder about what actually lurked and waited for mankind. Eventually man took the steps necessary to take the final leap into the unknown. Throughout history NASA has contributed to several extraordinary feats of science and space exploration from the moon landing to the Curiosity rover NASA has been vital to finding cosmic knowledge for mankind. Nasa was founded on July 29th, 1958 to coordinate space travel. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ,NASA, was created in response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1857 (created). This launch had caught America by surprise …show more content…

Both attempts for soft landing failed (Chronology). In 1996 NASA was 3 years from JFK’s deadline for America’s goal to get a man on the moon. Finally both America and Soviet union had achieved Lunar Orbits(Chronology). On May 30 Surveyor 1 was America’s first successful soft landing, and was key in succeeding in having people safely land on the moon (Chronology). On November 6th NASA sent out Lunar Orbiter 2 mostly to take pictures of the smooth areas of the moon (Chronology). On the Soviet side they had successfully launched three Lunar Orbiters (Chronology). It’s 1967 two years from the deadline to put men on the moon. America sent nine different crafts to the moon this year alone (Chronology). Though America’s exemplary progress the Soviet Union was working test flights to the moon (Chronology). Sadly for them the two test flights failed (Chronology).The first flight failed to the gas line being blocked and the second one had problems in stage four lift off (Chronology). The Soviet Union did successfully send a probe called Venera 4 to Venus on June 12th …show more content…

That year NASA sent two crafts to fly by Mars successfully. (Chronology). Then on May 18th NASA sent another crew into space to orbit the moon and then come back (Chronology). Another successful Lunar orbit with a manned crew NASA was ready to send men to the moon (Chronology). Apollo 11 launched on July 16th and made it the moon (Chronology) The Apollo 11 was mankind's biggest leap into space to this day and still is inspiring to many. Michael Collins, Neil A. Armstrong, and “Buzz” Aldrin were the first men to touch foot onto the moon (Zelon). Their most important task on the moon was to take samples of the soil to try to see what the moon was made of and to look for fossil evidence (Chronology). The scariest thing for the Astronauts had to be landing the Eagle onto the moon (Zelon). Neil did it with only 20 seconds left to spare or the mission was going to be a bust (Zelon). NASA had fulfilled the promise and settled the Space

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