
Mystery Powder Experiment

Decent Essays

Starting our hypothesis was that it was cornstarch, according to all of the data we collected in table 2(example at bottom of page). When we just looked at the substance it had a powder like appearance with no real specific way of being arranged. Then we started with each test of the powder first the simple close up look test using the microscope this showed us basically what we had seen with our eyes in a little more detail from this we found that it was what we had seen a powder like substance with no real arrangement but the only difference was two crystals within the powder. Next we moved on to the more complex test like the vinegar test in this test when the vinegar was mixed with the substance it did not really mix at all the vinegar …show more content…

Immediately we count off baking soda, salt, and sugar because in the first test with the microscope, they show all crystal arrangements unlike the powder in our mystery. Then we go on to count off the plaster of Paris because in the vinegar test, it does the opposite of our mystery powder, it mixed with the vinegar while our powder sat on top and started to harden. At this point we are down to flour and corn starch these two show the same results in the iodine test the both turn into a thick black gel. Continuing on to the heat test they show generally the same, but the flour starts to smoke unlike the corn starch just turning brown after a while, but this is still a pretty close difference between the two so then we go back to the vinegar test where the corn starch sat on top and hardened the flour just sat on top of the vinegar so now this is two differences we have found comparing the flour to our mystery powder. In the end the one that had all the same results as the mystery powder was the corn starch this proves our hypothesis to be correct but there should be more to our hypothesis because the crystals found in the substance therefore it must have one of the crystal substances in it also such as baking soda, salt, sugar or plaster of

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