Taking the Myers Briggs Personality test categorizes people into personality types. Despite finding the premise of the quiz slightly problematic, I approached this test with open-minded curiosity. As an experiment to judge the reliability of this test, I decided to try it two different times on two different days. I wanted to see if the results would drastically differ based on my mood. Upon my first attempt my result categorized me as an INFP. My second attempt labeled me an ENFP, the only difference in this result was the clash between the more introverted side of my personality and the extroverted. This challenged my preconceived notion that the test’s inaccuracy would make each result differ vastly. It also allowed me to reflect on the …show more content…
It names idealism as my greatest asset as well as my fatal flaw. This is the assessment I find the most accurate and it lends a lot of credibility to the quiz. I have a tendency to see the best in people and try to see their shortcomings as a product of their environment and upbringing. My idealism is also notable when it comes to my view of the world and how societies should operate. I am someone that thinks humanity can only benefit from cooperation and that the current hierarchy of capitalism is damaging to Civilization. The ideas ushered in by the Judo- Christian tradition placed man as the center of the universe, nature and animals as creations to be used at the discretion of man. This lent to the idea that humans can use anything they want for their profit once capitalism emerged. I hate the idea of human beings exploiting the world around them which makes me further crave my ideal future as one where cooperation replaces competition. However, my friends have criticized such ideals as being too unrealistic. I think this attribute does have its disadvantages, as sometimes being realistic does not align with being idealistic. This might be a challenge even in the specific field of IR where I would believe in more idealistic approaches to the relationship between nations like Woodrow Wilson and other famous idealists. This might pose a difficulty when studying Realist thinkers, as our worldviews don’t
The most interesting detail that I observed throughout the documentary was the way of John Smith was thinking during emergency moments. John Smith was able to manage to escape the fight with the Native Americans by showing them a simple compass and making them distracted by it. Also, John Smith discovered a new style of trading, which is called “silent trade”. Being a true leader, he managed to trade with the Native Americans for food, in order for him and his settlers to stay alive. Since most of the settlers were gentlemen, they were not able to work with their hands, therefore, they had no food and limited access to their needs.
The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. In developing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, their aim was to make the insights of type theory accessible to individuals and groups.
In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is an importance of relationships. They can be between lovers, friends, and families. The novel shows these, but also the wrong types of relationships such as people having affairs. People form relationships so they are not alone and they try to stick together through the hard times and the good times. In every relationship there are differing situations that affect the outcome and success of the relationship.
The results of my Myers-Briggs Personality type test were as follows: extrovert, intuition, thinking and judging. As I read what each category meant, I could see those characteristics within myself. I love to be around people, socializing or just people watching. I prefer things to be planned and to think of solutions outside the box. I also look at the big picture of things before making a plan of action. The following two stories display my thought process in different areas and the affects it had in my life or how I dealt with the situations.
While, the results of the Myers and Briggs Personality Type test did not surprise me; however, I was startled as to how accurate the test described my personality.
Who are you? Many fortune cookies, horoscopes, and other whimsical devices attempt to tell us our personalities, or our combination of traits and behaviors that make up who we are. However, psychologists today deviate from those unsubstantiated methods and have concocted various personality tests that give us a better understanding of who we are. One such test is called the Myers-Briggs personality test. Based on theories by Carl Jung, but primarily created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs, the test gives people a standardized survey of questions to answer. Standardized, meaning the test is given and scored in the exact same way every time to give unbiased and accurate results. It scores people in four pairs of characteristics, so there is a total of 16 possible personality types. Each pair of characteristics are opposites and a person can fall anywhere between the extreme end of one opposite to the extreme end of the other. The pairs are extroverted and introverted, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, finally judging and perceiving. A person can have strong, moderate or weak tendencies towards a preference. (Rathus, 2010, p. 420) There is some criticism of the Myers-Briggs test however, not everyone fits into the categories. People may answer according to socially acceptable norms instead of their honest answers. Not all of the theories were proven, Carl Jung made many observations and deductions but they weren’t formally
This paper discusses my dominant personality traits &weaknesses, how to better relate to different personalities, and what I have learned from taking the test. Contents Myers-Briggs test 4 I Introverted 4 N iNtuitive 5 T Thinker 6 J Judger 7 Different aspect of my personality. 8 STEP 2 9 I took the Myers-Briggs personality test twice and received a portrait of my personality type. I have an INTJ, Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging personality.
Taking the Myers-Briggs seemed no different. A long test with seemingly unsystematic questions about nothing specific. This time, for the first time, I got it. After I read the results I understood. This test didn’t try to tell me what career I should select, or what degree to pick. It simply gave me results about me. My result gave me a type ISTP, where each letter stands for personality traits. Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Perception. To me that didn’t mean much, until I started reading up on them. With every sentence I found myself agreeing more and more. Factual, realistic, and impersonal. Cool-headed, perceptive, and
This past Friday the Myers-Briggs test determined my personality to be within the INFJ category. The character description helped me to identify different aspects of my personality, and I have reviewed the major ways I communicate with others and progress through various emotions. The career page encouraged me to consider possible careers matching the conditions under which I best thrive. The review also pinpointed my God-given gifts, showing my role in His will.
Adrenal fatigue is one of the differential diagnoses for the provided case study. This disorder is associated with various symptoms some of which are manifested by the patient. These symptoms include dry eyes, fatigue which comes along with the stiffness of the body, as well as musculoskeletal pain. This makes adrenal fatigue to be one of the most likely diagnosis. Sjogren syndrome is also a differential diagnosis for the case study.
According to the Myers Briggs Personality test, I am a Logistician. The first letter in the corresponding acronym is I, meaning introverted. I enjoy being around people, but it is draining. A few days before school, a group of friends, I believe five, went to get ice cream. We had fun talking about ours summers and the upcoming school year.
According to personalitypage.com, “as an ENFP one’s primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in primarily
“Sorry, Wrong Number” is a play written by Lucille Fletcher. The main character is Mrs.Stevenson she is sick, and can’t move a lot. Mrs.Stevenson overhears a murder that will happen at 11:15, but what she doesn’t know is that she is the person that will be murdered. Mrs.Stevenson gets impatient when she doesn’t get what she wants immediately. Impatient is when you can’t wait any longer.
Everyone has their own unique personality. Everyone is different, but certain parts of our personality can be analyzed and categorized. Our different interests help decide our true personality, these personalities can help determine and choose our career path and what we will be doing for the rest of our lives. My personality test and my interest survey helped me decide to become a detective because it stated what I am good at and how I interact with people on a regular basis, this helped because it showed my different mannerisms and what type of environment I would work best in. Based on the research of my ESFP Myers Briggs personality type and of my Interest Indicator realistic type careers, I have chosen the career of police detective.
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important