
Myers Briggs Personality Test

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Taking the Myers Briggs Personality test categorizes people into personality types. Despite finding the premise of the quiz slightly problematic, I approached this test with open-minded curiosity. As an experiment to judge the reliability of this test, I decided to try it two different times on two different days. I wanted to see if the results would drastically differ based on my mood. Upon my first attempt my result categorized me as an INFP. My second attempt labeled me an ENFP, the only difference in this result was the clash between the more introverted side of my personality and the extroverted. This challenged my preconceived notion that the test’s inaccuracy would make each result differ vastly. It also allowed me to reflect on the …show more content…

It names idealism as my greatest asset as well as my fatal flaw. This is the assessment I find the most accurate and it lends a lot of credibility to the quiz. I have a tendency to see the best in people and try to see their shortcomings as a product of their environment and upbringing. My idealism is also notable when it comes to my view of the world and how societies should operate. I am someone that thinks humanity can only benefit from cooperation and that the current hierarchy of capitalism is damaging to Civilization. The ideas ushered in by the Judo- Christian tradition placed man as the center of the universe, nature and animals as creations to be used at the discretion of man. This lent to the idea that humans can use anything they want for their profit once capitalism emerged. I hate the idea of human beings exploiting the world around them which makes me further crave my ideal future as one where cooperation replaces competition. However, my friends have criticized such ideals as being too unrealistic. I think this attribute does have its disadvantages, as sometimes being realistic does not align with being idealistic. This might be a challenge even in the specific field of IR where I would believe in more idealistic approaches to the relationship between nations like Woodrow Wilson and other famous idealists. This might pose a difficulty when studying Realist thinkers, as our worldviews don’t

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