
My Virtual Child Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

My Virtual Child Reflection:
Bilal’s Development from Infancy through Adolescent
Fatima Hussien
North Lake College

My Virtual Child Reflection When I found out that we would be raising a virtual child, I had my doubts on how it would compare to the raising an actual child. But I am glad to say that I was wrong, the first night of raising my virtual child took me by surprise, on how detailed everything was. Going in I had expectations and hopes for Bilal to fulfill, I made sure that my expectations and hopes for him were more realistic and was not pushing him out of his confront zone in any kind of way. My expectations and hopes were that Bilal always stayed true to himself, never act like someone that he really is not, and that he builds secure connections with people that he holds …show more content…

And by three years of age, the toddler is expected to gain anywhere from three to five pounds, grow about three inches in height, and also have all twenty of his/her primary teeth grown in (2016). According to Jean Piaget, there are four stages of cognitive development that a child will go through. The first stage is known as the sensorimotor stage; it is from birth to about two years of age. The sensorimotor stage is a period that the cognitive development rapidly grows and during this time frame the infant develops “an understanding of the world through trial and error using their senses and actions (McLeod, 2015).” An example of an experience that Bilal went through during the sensorimotor stage would be when Bilal was eight months old, I tried the object permanence test I did this by hiding an object from Bilal and have him look for it, when the location of the object changed Bilal would look for it where he previously saw it (My Virtual Child, 2014). The social and

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