
My Teaching Philosophy Essay

Decent Essays

My Teaching Philosophy

I think my teaching philosophy is best defined as a combination of progressivism and social reconstructionism. David Sadker, author of "Teachers Schools and Society", defines the progressive educator as someone who, "(…) facilitates learning by helping students formulate meaningful questions and devise strategies to answer those questions", while social reconstructionism emphasizes cooperation, less conflict, and a better quality of life. These two teaching philosophies in combination seem to both fit my view on how learning should be facilitated and how it should be based.

Progressive teachers tend to, like myself, look for inventive, new, and creative ways to see a problem. In putting students into groups …show more content…

Even though I feel that students should have a very democratic approach, I cannot see allowing students to devise curriculum planning to it’s extremes. For example, I feel that students voting to not have Spelling is not as valid as them voting to switch the schedule so we have Art before Spelling. I strongly support the view of social reconstructionists to equally teach academic, cultural, moral, and social subjects, since many students have a hard time integrating what they’ve learned with the here and now.

Progressivism is appealing to me in that from my own experiences as a student I found it more rewarding to devise a way to answer my questions rather than have everything explained to me. For example, my 6th grade science teacher rather than plan out a particular lesson plan and work hand in hand with the books, offered us the opportunity to do a science experiment, explain it to the group, and write a paper on how we came up with the idea. Personally I just thought it was fun at the time, but when I look back I saw that he was not just teaching us science; we were learning communication, research, and writing skills. We were also given problems like: construct a capsule to place an uncooked egg in that can withstand the impact with the ground from a height of 30ft or given a ruler, tape, pencil, penny, string, and a cotton ball, design a machine to catapult the cotton ball the furthest with the least effort. Questions

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