
My Success In My Life

Decent Essays

Life for me was always as a failure. Too ignorant to be smart and too negligent to show my potential. My life was beginning to dry up as it left me stranded with no hope. I was rotting away under my own weight. But someone came into my life and she taught me the strength to lift myself up. As time grew with her in my life, my passion to succeed and overcome emerged. My dearest friend gave me the motivation to educate myself, to help me get a greater understand of my future, as well as making me step outside my comfort zone. With all she has done and inspired me to do, she is my greatest role model.
The first reason she has impact me, was giving me a reason to want to educate myself. Me and her were different in our own prospective, I was the dumb failure who lacked the motivation to succeed in higher education while she was the A honor roll in everything student, in fact she got the most awards in her class year then everyone else. While attending her award ceremony, all I heard for each student was, "Congrats *blank* *blank* you received the attendance award for not missing any school." Then she came on stage, not receiving the attendance award, but fulfilling A honor roll, JROTC leadership, Best English student, and more, that I could not comprehend. This lead the audience to all applause loudly and cheer, cherishing her for all she did, even if it was just for that moment. Before this, I did not understand the possibility of why someone would put themselves through the

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