
My Struggles In The United States

Decent Essays

Throughout life, people have struggles they face. For some, struggles are an everyday occurrence, for others the struggles come and go like the waves in the ocean. From those struggles we face, lessons are learned. In Mexico, there is a saying that translates to “If there’s a cure for your problem, why anguish? And if there’s none, why worry?” In the United States a common prayer that is often stated is the Serenity Prayer, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” At the young age of 8 years old, I was forced to face a struggle I was not ready to handle. The struggle began when my parents decided to separate and live apart from each other. I did not know how I was going to change this problem, but I soon learned that I did not have the control over their relationship, so I needed to weather the waves.

When my mom decided to pack her stuff and leave, it was so abrupt, I did not know how to react. . Being so young I did not understand what happened to my parents relationship and how her leaving was going to impact me. As time went by and my mom did not return home, I began to worry about my mom and …show more content…

My sister and I tried to convince my parents to see each other more often. We were secretly hoping they would begin to talk again and possibly reconcile their differences, so we could become a family again. Being the second oldest child, I was the most concerned because I felt I had the most understanding of the situation. I tried to control the situation by talking to my dad and asking him to ask my mom to come back. My dad explained to me that my mom leaving gave them room and time to work things out. During this time I still felt like I could help them or do something to help their relationship, I was too young to understand I was not in charge and I began to worry a lot about all of us as a

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