
My Strengths & Weaknesses

Decent Essays

My Strength and Weakness
Everyone is different in many ways. There are differences in gender, nationality, religious activities and there are differences in strengths and weaknesses. Those strengths and weaknesses are looked at in Corporate America and they assist the higher management in making decisions for the roles we play on each team. I will be discussing my strengths ' and weaknesses.
Over the years, I have learned how to react and respond in different ways and it all depends on what is happening in my surroundings. I owe a lot of this to my 11 years of military service. The military trains you in a way that once you are done with their training; you will walk, talk and act as a soldier is supposed to act. There are times when the …show more content…

Procrastination and being laid back are two of my biggest weaknesses. The behavior has minimized since assuming the leadership role with Bank of America. I always would take on tasks and do them at months end then I would find myself working 18 hour days to complete what could have been started at the beginning of the month. One of the good things that my leadership has in place is a daily pulse check. This enables us to see where we stand as a leadership team and to ensure that no task goes undone. At the beginning, I continually pushed back on completing my tasks and there was always a rush at months end to complete all assigned tasks. After leaving the Army 10 years ago, I also procrastinated on my higher education until recently. I kept on stating that there was little or no time to complete my higher education. After several job declines due to not having a degree; I decided to take the step and finish my degree.
Being too open or showing feelings at the work place is another weakness that I do carry. With my military background I have been lead to believe that your squad is like family and things are to be discussed just in case we ever did go to war I would know what would motivate the soldier in a time of crisis. I have bought this thought with me into Corporate America and it has come to hurt me as bringing in your personal life into the workplace. When I was going through the crisis with my mother; I worked in the Spanish Department and my manager

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