
My Strengths In My Life

Decent Essays

For a few days now, I have sat staring at this blank page, imagining all the things I want to say and each way I could or should describe myself. One of my biggest struggles is talking about who I am and the things I want to accomplish in my life. I believe this is partly because I have always been self-conscious and I hold myself to a very high standard. I know the life I want to lead, but I find it extremely hard to figure out the right way to reach those goals. I am a very strong and outspoken individual that had to fight to make it through some rough situations, so at times I can be very intense. I'd love to portray myself as a perfectly put together person, but I have become set in my own neurotic ways and working each day to become less of a tight ass. I am not afraid to admit I am a little spoiled and I like things to go the way I irrationally planned in my over-active brain. And just to be clear, when I say spoiled, I don't mean I am lazy or ungrateful; I have worked very hard for everything I have and I was fortunate enough to be blessed with a mother who went above and beyond to make sure I had everything I needed, plus more, and for that I am grateful. My mom is very important to me, she is the reason for everything I am and all that I will become, it's very cliché but the truest thing I will ever say. She is a strong woman and raised me to be even stronger. She works hard every day and has been nothing but an amazing role model for my sister and me. I have always been able to talk to her about anything and I think that's why we have such a great relationship. She was one of those "cool" moms, but that's because she knew I couldn't lie to her; I always tried, but I could never get past the first sentence. I have always known I can go to her no matter the circumstances and she will support me one-hundred percent. That is honestly such a blessing, not many people have the luxury of having their mom as a best friend. As I mentioned earlier, I struggled to make it through some rough circumstances, and unfortunately, I used a few alternative methods to aid in that healing process. Though there was no true relief, I continued to try to suppress those memories. As a result of my extracurricular

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