
My Sleep Disturbed By The Deep Bone

Decent Essays

Frequently, I awake very stiff and have ache in my lower left body. Most nights, especially those after a workday, I spend the night in and out of sleep. My sleep disturbed by the deep bone throb in my lower left leg as well as spasms in my left hamstring.

After about 30 min, I begin to warm up very slow, my lower left side still stiff and sore. I massage my lower left leg to help ease the bone throb. I feel the pain of strain as if I will snap a muscle in my lower left back or left leg as I don socks and shoes.

I always rely on a cane to walk, except when I lean way forward and wall/furniture surf to the bathroom about once a night. The more I walk, the more intense I feel the deep bone ache in my lower left back and my left leg. …show more content…

My work shoes show the extra scuffs on top of the left toe box from the foot drag. I typically lead with my left leg and hold the cane in my right hand to support my lame lower left side. Even with the heavy use of my cane I cannot avoid pain.

For example, I lean on my cane so hard that the premium medical rubber handle and many tips have worn out. I wear heavy duty palm padded motorcycle gloves on my right hand to add power and overcome my lame lower left side. My whole right side has musculature compared to my lower left side from compensating for my left side 's atrophy and weakness.

The pressure of walking, even cane -assisted, causes extreme tenderness from the onset. When I walk about 100 feet, the stabbing pain in my lower left back and sometimes the shock in my left leg, debilitate me to the point where I must sit down, even though sitting violates workplace policy. Sometimes when I walk, my left hip pains me as if the hip will slip out of joint. When this occurs, I will freeze in place to calm down the painful movement and not incur more painful damage in my hip.

For example, my back, hip and leg pain cause me to have very prominent limp with an outward swing of my bad left leg.

When I stand still, I feel somewhat relieved from walking, but the nagging bone pain in my lower left back remains. But when I stand and sometimes when I sit, I feel different pain, like there are no supports in my left lower back.

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