I threw my books on the bed and approached the jacket with excitement, as if were a puppy on my bed. I looked at it’s as if was only a dream.I picked it up and felt all around it. It was even kind of big so it would last me a long time.I zipped the jacket and looked in the minor. I put my hands in my pockets. I couldn’t believe I had my very own jacket, But it didn’t feel like a normal jacket it felt like I could do anything in it.I layed it on my bed for tomorrow.
My mom call me to the kitchen. I rushed down stairs as if I was a cheetah trying to catch my prey. I kissed my mom on the cheek ten times and said thank you, thank you, thank you. I ran outside. I layed on the grass thinking what would happen the next day, but my thoughts went away
There was very many trials and events during this time, so much so I could write a book so this is really only the tip of the tip of the iceburg.
I'VE BEEN SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS TO COME OUT!!! For those who don't know this is one of my anticipated of the year (you can check out my list if you haven't already, I posted it in September). But since this is the last book of the series I don't feel the need to write a very long non-spoiler review. I won't write the reasons why I love this series so much in my Top Ten list if you would like to check that. The series starts out in this futuristic world where a young girl named Cinder catches the eye of Prince Kai, the future empire of the Common Wealth. The only problem is that she's a cyborg, part-human part-robot. For this book, I would give it about a 4/5 stars. I was definitely a great read but it wasn't my favorite book in the series, I honestly felt that Cress was the best book, then
“The Equal Credit Opportunity Act [ECOA], 15 U.S.C. 1691 et seq. prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, because an applicant receives income from a public assistance program, or because an applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.” ("Equal Credit Opportunity Act | CRT | Department of Justice," n.d.). Any candidate who applies for a line of credit, must be notified within 30 days if their credit was to be denied, it is always best to send the notice in writing, rather than telling the consumer, because there is not any documentation that can back up the words someone said. If a credit account were to close, make changes to one’s credit limit, or anything of that matter, the same terms will apply no matter what.
A Wrinkle In Time is the story of Meg Murry, a high school girl who goes on an adventure between dimensions with her younger brother Charles Wallace and friend Calvin to save her father from the evil forces that hold him prisoner on another planet. These evil forces are known as IT, and strive to create uniformity and obedience without any resistance. At the end of the book the children have saved Mr. Murry from imprisonment on Camazotz, but Charles Wallace was taken over by IT, the one who had Mr. Murry, and was left behind. Meg is forced to go back to Camazotz alone to save her brother, using something that she has the IT can’t fight. Using her immense love for her brother she frees him from the control of IT and all four of them make it home safely.
The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines a cheerleader as a person who is a member of a group (typically a group of young women) who shout out special songs or chants to encourage the team and entertain the crowd during a game in sports like American football and basketball. This definition described my involvement itself in my beloved sport, but it also explains who I am as a whole person. In my life, I am a cheerleader whether I am on the sidelines under the Friday night lights, or off the field when it comes to being a cheerleader for my family and companions. At a young age, it was clear to me that support was something needed by everyone, whether they wanted to accept it or not. However, before you cheer on anyone
On 10/30/2017, I Deputy Mignone #95 was assigned to Intake/Release. At approximately 1600 hours, I was called to cell HD-6 to assist with giving an inmate his medication. I met my supervisor Sergeant Johnson #150 along with multiple other officer. I witness inmate Matthew Spradlin standing in the cell with feces on his head and face. Inmate Spradlin stated that he had been eating his own feces and drinking his own urine. I was informed that Dr. Dahner had ordered a shot due to inmate Spradlin’s behavior.
Swayze responded, ready to leave this unfamiliar place and followed on Casey’s heels as she walked out the door. They both scurried around the dreaded spot on the landing. Swayze gave one final growl before descending to the first floor.
The stick the middle one wearing the jacket. Walking towards Sam he picked up another snowball.
As the sun’s nutritious rays fuel my body; sweat races down my back and accumulates into the threads of my cotton t-shirt. I peer over my neighborhood park fence and gaze over the spacious scenery. The track field was well in shape, free of small debris and ready for a test run and light jump activities in the sand-pit. Soon enough the high temperature fills my head, leaving me in a state of allusion. Images of my friends and I sporadically unfold in front of me and unto the track; as if being placed in a desert mirage. I feel a sense of peace and eagerness surge through my body, while the images continue to appear. Then, a whisper comes into the mix saying some sort of gibberish. Stepping a bit more cautiously then I regularly would I walked
Tingling (tick), red (tick), hot (tick), dizzy (tick), trapped (tick), ostracized (tick), taken aback (tick). It started in my fingers. I began to fidget just listening to what was happening around me. Then my toes. I began to tap my feet to the beat of the clock hoping it would help pass the time. As the time seemingly would not advance, my fidgeting and discomfort grew, my anger increased, my thoughts jumbled, my mind became fixated on this one comment that, little did I know, would change my life forever. At the time, I couldn't process what had just occurred. Was this a bad dream (tick)? Do people really think this about me (tick)? Do they even care that I’m here (tick)? How could someone say that in front of
On 8/25/17, I attended Mr. Barrera’s follow-up appointment with Dr. Dietzel to evaluate the status of his left shoulder postoperative. X-rays were taken prior to him being seen.
many years ago it was my birthday and as i was walking to my auntie house, there was a women called sherry. she had stopped me and she wanted to know what my name was, and so when i told her she said that she has a granddaughter that name and then we just kept talking and then when i got done talking to her i called my mom to tell her that i was on my way over my auntie house, and so when i got there she was there and my grandma had called she wanted to talk to me, she said “guess what i got u for your birthday” i said a tablet she said how u know because i been wanting a tablet for a long time and i been telling u that i been wanting a tablet. i told her that i was very excited. when i got home my cousin had texted me she wanted to know if
PPS: After completing the personal profile system worksheet, it was clear I had strong tendencies in the dominance category with secondary tendencies in the influence category leading to a results oriented profile pattern. Taking authority and making quick decisions are two dominance traits which are common with this type of profile, and they are also two traits that I’ve routinely demonstrated throughout my career. Accepting challenges head on is something I’ve always enjoyed and I possess a high level of confidence in my ability to overcome any obstacle. Those feelings are displayed in my rugged individualism, which creates a driving force of character and diligence that I’ve used to influence others in the accomplishment of the mission. This reinforces my need to take charge of the situation, believing that I’m the right person to ensure the job gets done. Additionally, my ability to think on my feet and make critical decisions very quickly often leads to success in my career field of aircraft maintenance, where time is often the number one critical factor impacting mission accomplishment. The influential side of my profile includes traits of articulation and active participation in a group. With each group activity we break into, I never hesitate to actively promote ideas and I’m often the one taking the most active speaking role as the group works through the assignment. A highly developed ability of articulation promotes the environment I desire to verbalize
I went out for the track team when I was in seventh grade. I enjoyed track because I enjoy running, jumping, and spending time with my friends. The track season was amazing because I learned to do the high jump. I had to learn how to time my steps and jump backwards. Did you know that long ago they would jump forward over the bar. Then a man named Dick Fosbury tried a different way, go over backwards, now this is called the “Fosbury flop” Which I think sounds like an ice cream cone of some sort but. I also had to learn the lingo. “Up” means it’s your turn to jump. “On deck” means you are next in line. “In the hole” means you are third to jump. It is important to stay in order, once at the Metamora track meet I thought they had called my name, I jumped and made it over the bar. but It was not actually my turn so I had to jump again, I wanted to give him a Well-that-was-your-fault-not-mine kind of look. Luckily, I made it over the second time also. Another meet I remember was when I jumped 4 feet 11in. I had no idea I was going to jump that high that day because it was cold and rainy. I was very surprised and I ended up winning that event that day. Since Micah was hurt and he normally beats me, I got first so I was happy. I participated in sectionals. I had to jump 5ft
I spoke with Seydi in length yesterday evening in regards to Bill. I expressed our concern in the “body tune up” idea Dr. Choksi mentioned, and that Bill had stated “He re-injured himself doing the assigned work.” I explained to her his tasked involved counting glass, verifying stickers on inventory, and putting together very small parts in plastic baggies. She agreed that there isn’t really a mechanism for re-injury doing those tasks. I also told her we may keep him in this role. She mentioned how initially the discussion was revolving around terming him, and did mention there may be a way to do a settlement regarding both injuries and resignation and release. I my opinion I don’t think this is a good option being that she tossed 15-20K as