
My Shared Reading Project

Decent Essays

Last night I started my project and I had the pleasure of starting my shared reading project with a young girl named Ahriah. The first step of this assignment was to gather the child’s concept of print while reading to them. This was my first time meeting Ahriah, although I have met her father many times before since he is a friend of my partner. Ahriah is four years old; she doesn’t go to school yet, but she goes to a daycare program. Afterwards when she is done with her daycare program she spends the rest of the day with her dad. Ahriah has an older brother whose name is Jack and he is eight years old. Jack is fluent in literacy and language for his age range. Ahriah on the other hand, seems to be having trouble. Watt, Ahriah’s dad tells …show more content…

Ahriah quickly flips through pages and we are no longer reading at this point. She is making her own story up as she tells me what she sees. So I decided to play along asking her other questions that could help me understand her concept of print. I ask her does she see any letters that she knows and again she points at the letter “A”. I then ask her does she know the alphabet and she tells me yes, but I don’t make her recite them to me. I just slowly bring up questions in the conversations that she starts to have with me. Ahriah goes through describing all the pictures that she see’s to me and by doing that she is showing me different skills that she has. She first is able to tell the difference in the size of the polar bears. She tells me that she sees the adult polar bears and the baby polar bears while they play in the snow. She then demonstrates to me that she is able to count as I ask her how many polar bears does she see on the page? She tells me she sees two adult polar bears and three baby polar bears. She then notices the moon on the page. I ask her what letter does the word moon start with, and she tells me that it starts with an “M”. I tell her you are very bright. The moon was also spelled in the book and I asked her does she see an “M” in the book, but instead of pointing to the “M” she points at a stick that is …show more content…

I ask her, “Is this this the front of the book?” She tells me no it’s the end. I try one more time to read the book to her and ask her more questions, but again she loses focus. I was warned by Dr. Baker that you might not get to read the whole book to the child, but it’s ok to interact with a child and to let him or her talk. When it comes to assessing her concept of print I believe that she is at a very low level of the understanding scale. Of course the child has room for improvement, but she shows a strong potential for what she already does know. I feel like she knows her alphabet as far as the sounds that they make, but I don’t believe that she can match the sound to an actual letter. Like I stated in the beginning she has the general concept down on how books work, but she doesn’t understand why they

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