
My Role Model Of My Life Essay

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Introduction I have been asked many times since I was a young boy what I would like to be in life, however, I was never able to explore or express my interests. As time has passed the question still remains, yet I am much closer to my answer. With help from the career research assignment, presented during my GEL class, I have been able to research this very question. Before this assignment I pondered countless ideas of what my future profession would be like, but I never went into detail; and never investigated how it would effect my overall quality of life. My future can only be shaped by what I choose to be. I want my life to be meaningful, and the only way I could accomplish this goal would be to positively affect other peoples livelihood . My personality traits and personal desires have prove to me that I would make a great leader. However, who do I want to lead? And how could I make a positive influence in the world? My dad is a standing role model in my life for he bravely serves as a Fire captain for Los Angeles County Fire Department. He has shown me a great deal within his field and I decided that a career in the medical profession would suit me well. Although my aspirations are not to become a Doctor, I would like to contribute my leadership ability to the medical profession by pursuing a career in health care management. Ultimately, my goal is to become a executive within a hospital in order to use my skills for the greater good. Moreover, I realize this is a

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