
My Pursuit Of Metaphysics: Personal Statement Of Purpose

Decent Essays

As a first-year student at Franklin and Marshall College, I have not yet been able to declare my major, but I chose to attend this college in order to pursue my undergraduate degree in astrophysics. This school hosts an abundance of research opportunities, programs, courses specifically geared towards astrophysics majors. I am confident that my achievements throughout my high school career have thoroughly prepared me to continue my studies in this field and achieve my goals of being amongst the people who unearth the secrets of the galaxy and leave a foundation for researchers yet to come. In order to prepare myself to acquire an undergraduate degree in astrophysics, I took two years of both physics and calculus when in high school. Three …show more content…

Next semester, I have enrolled myself in Fundamental Physics II for Prospective Majors, and Introduction to Astrophysics, and this summer I will be taking Calculus 3 over the summer at the University of Pittsburgh. If I receive this scholarship, it well help to mitigate the cost of my tuition, and allow me to consider studying abroad or attend remotely located conferences to utilize renowned observing facilities around the world and to discussions regarding groundbreaking scientific discoveries. With the more research opportunities and overall exposure to this field of study I obtain, my odds of gaining admittance to a highly ranked graduate program increase tremendously. My goals unfortunately are very costly, but with the help of this scholarship, they become more …show more content…

My current goals within the next ten years are to continue my education at Franklin and Marshall College and graduate with an astrophysics degree, and then further my education at a graduate school and continue on in my studies until I acquire a doctorate degree in the field of astrophysics. My plans within the next ten years will lay down the foundation for the rest of my life. It is my dream to conduct research as an astrophysicist because there is so much to discover, and the chances that I truly can leave my mark on the world are significant. As the technology era continues to advance, astrophysicists are now able to study concepts that they did not even knew existed centuries, and even mere decades, ago. One current topic of interest is the mission to Mars, in attempts to colonize it in the foreseeable future. SpaceX has been working vigorously with the goal to make humans a multiplanetary species within the next fifty to one hundred years. By achieving each of my smaller goals, I can realistically strive to take part in this extraordinary endeavor that will change the world forever. I want to be amongst these people who help humanity establish a self-sustaining community on Mars, who unearth the secrets of the galaxy and who leave a foundation for researchers yet to

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