
My Philosophy of Education Essay

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Philosophy of Education

The first and most important reason that I want to become an educator is because of my love for children. I cherish the thought of being involved in a child's learning process. I think that my classroom will have a mixture of the philosophy of idealism and pragmatism. I want to be very knowledgeable in my area of teaching and I love the idea of teaching what I know to my students. My students are going to challenge themselves as learners. Any problems that arise in my classroom will be handled by me the student in an appropriate manner. I also want to engage learning by using first-hand activities. Reading, writing, and arithmetic will be emphasized greatly in my classroom. I want the class …show more content…

Supplemental supplies are important to a classroom because they allow me to touch all of the senses of the students. They will be very available for me as the educator and also for my students. Projects will be important in my classroom because they will allow the students to express themselves. These projects are important to give my students a well-rounded education.

I want to have control of my classroom from Day 1. Respect must be established between the teacher and the student at the beginning for a classroom to function properly. Respect is a very healthy feeling to own and receive.

Consistency in classroom organization by keeping a timely schedule is important for productive learning time for students. Valuable learning time is to be treasured. By planning ahead and being prepared, organization will be performed in a timely manner. This will increase engagement time, actual time students are engaged in learning.

Rewards are very important to students because is shows them that they did a fantastic job. These rewards may be as minimal as a sticker on a good paper, but the child loves the recognition. Students will also be motivated if they are involved in the learning process. Distractions and discipline problems will reduce if the students are

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