
My Personal Story : My Story Of My Life

Decent Essays

My story began like most in America. I was born to very Christian loving parents who were hardworking, family oriented people. My father was a military man, my mother worked odd jobs and was a homemaker. My young life started with turmoil due to my early childhood diagnosis of Dyslexia. I was hyperactive and was required to take medication and attend special education classes. My attitude towards learning was compromised because it was a constant struggle. My parents did all they could to help me along. We were a military family and I spent years overseas while my father served in the United States Army. My childhood had problems however I was a fun loving kid who enjoyed the outdoors, sports and nature. We moved around a lot and it was frustrating at times to relocate to a new area and school but that was the life of a military family. I dealt with the moving the best I could. My parents were Christian but not very church going. I don’t remember much church attendance growing up. I was amazed by all the different locations overseas that we lived. I got to visit so many different Countries in Europe that many can only dream about. I guess I was fortunate in that respect. My visits throughout the Gothic Cathedrals in Europe made me realize that God must be significant. I always thought of myself as being different or special. All that attention I was getting must warrant something special I believed. I wasn’t aware of how detrimental it was and I was very naive at

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