
My Personal Statement Of The Goal Of Education

Decent Essays

My Philosophy
I believe that the goal of education is to help students be able to survive and thrive in the real world. I believe that the role of the teacher is make sure students understand the standards that are set, to help them grow and to help them get through the school year. I believe that students should keep an open mind, positive attitude towards school and help those around them. I believe that parents and community members should help students with schoolwork, supplies and be involved in their education. I believe that knowledge is power and it is what helps us to survive and thrive in any situation.
My philosophy consists of student-centered teaching. I will use constructivism for scaffolding and for when beginning a subject. I would use progressivism so students can get to experience real world situations and to foster their curiosity. I will use existentialism to help with their individuality and leadership skills. Social Reconstructionism will help with their confidence to face challenges and to further their social skills. Every student needs to be rewarded and disciplined to keep a calm and fair environment.
I will start off with having the students explain to me signs they already know or what they have come up with themselves. It will help me to see where we are starting off at and what are our strong suits. This is how I will begin any lesson on a new set of signs where they will tell me all the animals they already know. Then I will start over with all the animals and repeat the animal signs over. I will use scaffolding, for example, by explaining that the sign for a cat looks like your petting a cat this will give them something to associate it with. The students will start to get into groups and have conversations with each other. For example, one student can spell out the animal, while the other does the sign for the word. This will help them with working and being social with others. Once they know a certain amount of signs and we have covered the basics. I will ask the class as a whole what signs they would like to learn and would be beneficial to them. If the class wants to learn about activities like driving, swimming and more. I will go over as many as I can to teach them

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