
My Personal Experience : My Experience In High School

Decent Essays

I have always been a shy person since I have been a little kid. I have been always nervous to go do things with people or to make a mistake in front of people. I remember in the 7th grade, the teacher called on me, and I had been paying attention, but I got the question confused so I said something that was wrong. I felt the whole class just stare at me and laugh. Ever since then I have always struggled with self confidence. I lacked self confidence in just about everything, like what clothes to wear, what to say to people, talking in front of a class, or walking in front of people. I have never struggled with school considering I have always received A’s. But I would always second guess myself whenever a teacher called on me. There was one class that I always hated going to because all of the “popular” boys were in there. I always thought they would say something if I talked in front of the class. I have been afraid to express my opinions to others, even when they would ask me about what I thought. I hated speaking in front of people. I would get nervous, so when I would talk my voice would be shaky and I would mispronounce words. In high school, we would have to present different things in English class. Once we had a book project that we would have to present. When we would present we would have to talk about how we would rewrite the ending, give a summary, and talk about different characters. The presenting part was only five points so I asked my teacher if I could just miss the five points. She said no. She talked to me about it and let me pick when I wanted to go. She gave me a little pep talk to get me ready for the presentation. Ever since then I have been fine with presenting in front of a big class. In junior high and high school, a lot of people can be very judgmental about everything. I would never want to wear something that I liked because I was afraid someone would say something. Sometimes before school I would text a bunch of my friends and ask them what I should wear. At our school, we would have spirit weeks and one of the days was wacky Wednesday. All of teachers and students would dress up, but I never would. Students would make fun of each other and students would make fun of teachers. I

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