
My Neighborhood

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When I tell other students from New York City that I live in Bensonhurst, they often tell me they have never heard of it. Often, I have never heard of the neighborhood they live in, even though we all live in the same city. I think we all live in and interact in our respective bubbles, and besides the periods we spend at work or school, we tend to keep ourselves exclusive to people outside of them. There is nothing wrong with being selective with who you interact with, but those self-isolating behaviors encourage ignorance, especially during periods of rapid change in the neighborhood.
My neighborhood is actually very aesthetically pleasing. The name of my neighborhood, Bensonhurst, is actually shortened from “Bensonhurst-by-the-Sea,” which is what a developer named the resort neighborhood in order to sell more beachfront property. The aforementioned sea is the Atlantic Ocean, though the sandy “bay” almost every avenue in the neighborhood has in its street name (e.g. Bay Parkway) has been paved over to make roads and sidewalks (Frishberg). Still, there are remnants of its coastal-retreat past; there are benches, trees, walkways, and parks right near the ocean. There are also playgrounds by every elementary school, and a city park or green space if there are no elementary schools right nearby. Backyards, privately-owned plots of nature, also play an important role in my community. Most families in my neighborhood have backyards, front yards, or both, and place value in

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