
My Name Garret Research Paper

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Garret is an Irish name, yet I do not have a drop of Irish blood in me. The decision of my first name has more to do with the debate between my parents. Initially, every name seemed wrong and both my parents could not even choose a single name. My aunt Annie provided my mom with a name book, but she would not be fond of a single name. At that time my mom was working at the Wells Fargo bank. She did have plenty of assistance from a very kind and helpful customer who gave her three names each time she visited the bank. My mom's customer service manager strongly advised the name “Garrett” which she thought went very well with the last name “Chiem.” However, my dad came up with the suggestion of “Karl” as my name. Through several tormenting …show more content…

As far back as my dad knows, my grandfather was born in Canton but left China at the age of twenty. He met my grandma in Vietnam, got married, and had a total of eleven children. Of the eleven, my dad was the eighth youngest child and the youngest son of them all. After the Communists took over South Vietnam in 1975, my dad decided to leave Vietnam in 1978 at the age of twelve. Escaping by boat, he had no choice of where to go and did not know where he will end up. The boat was roughly twelve feet long, yet it carried about a hundred to a hundred twenty refugees. A typical three day journey from Vietnam to Malaysia took over thirteen days due to engine failures. My dad stayed at a refugee camp in a small island in Malaysia for six months. Hoping and praying for the opportunity to go to a better country, my dad wanted to go to the U.S. or Australia. On the day of March 26, 1979, my dad arrived in Baltimore, Maryland. His time in Maryland was short-lived as he left for San Francisco after just a few months. All the challenges and hardships throughout the Chiem family history really makes me appreciate having the opportunity to succeed here in

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