
My Music Redub Movie Interpretation

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The Music Redub was an interesting project. At first it seemed straight forward and easy, but as I began thinking about the the Film School movement and how the great directors used their film history knowledge to format something new, I realized that great attention to detail, editing, and music choice, all influence the final film product. My Music Redub marries the ending scene of Tommy Boy with Tommy in the sailboat saying goodbye to his father with the theme music to Jaws. The twist of having the heavy Jaws theme paired with the lighthearted Tommy talking to his father changes the whole feel of the scene. I chose to feature a clip from the B movie and cult classic Tommy Boy in my Music Redub. Growing up in northwest Ohio, Tommy Boy (1995) was the movie that everyone referenced and quoted because it featured the hometown of Sandusky, Ohio. “That’s gonna leave a mark!” was your instant …show more content…

Dad’s “help” is seen through the grass, trees, and wind moving the sailboat. In the Music Redub version, Tommy asks for a little help, and then Jaw theme starts. The movement of the grass and trees, paired with the music, makes the viewer anticipate something bad to happen. When Tommy hits his head on the boom, it appears that it was an attack, rather than the wind moving the sail. Music in a film creates the atmosphere and is very important in setting the mood of a scene. The Music Redub helped me to learn more about the decisions that an editor must consider in the movie making process. It was fun to create incoherence in the scene by changing the music. Both Tommy Boy and Jaws are cult classics and B movies that were given the block buster treatment. Both movies have survived through the years and are enjoyed by both all types of audiences. Whenever I hear the Jaw theme music, I know that it is definitely going to leave a

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