
My Memories Of God

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My first memories of God were when I first came to America at the age of ten. Back then, I did not know who or what God is. My mother was coming to the U.S. to do scientific research, and our family didn’t know anyone or have any friends. However, there was a Chinese church where a lot of internationals like us can come together and find friendship, build personal connections, and worship a God that was a very new concept to many of us. That was the place where I first learned about God. Initially, I had a lot of questions about the very existence of God, because in my young mind, I could not grasp the concept of something that I could not physically sense. Gradually, I began to accept the notion that God is what God is and that it is something that we could feel in our hearts, something spiritual. Along the way, people have helped me develop my spirituality. One of them was my tennis coach during my teenage years, Lavelle. I trained under him for 6 years while competing in junior tournaments. He helped me refine skills in my serve, forehand, backhand, volley, etc. He pushed me to the limit physically. However, his influence on me was beyond just the physical aspect of the game, it was emotional and spiritual. He often stressed the importance of focus. On tape, he showed when professional players lose focus for even a couple minutes during an intense match; the outcome of the match could be easily decided. We often practiced meditation before training every time. I mainly focused on my breathing by inhaling fully and exhaling slowly repeatedly for many times. This allowed me to remove the outside distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. I started meditating before competition to remove some of the nerve and distraction. As a result, I felt like I was always in control of my game, even when I was losing. After I started college, Lavelle moved to New York and we haven’t talked much since then. Unfortunately, a couple years ago, I received the news from some of my other coaches that Lavelle passed away in his early thirties due to an act of suicide. Even though I was not a very emotional person in general, I cried. I didn’t understand what was happening to him due to the lost of contact. My game is

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