
My Lucky Person

Decent Essays

I have always considered myself a lucky person; not lucky in the sense that I could win money on a lottery ticket or anything of that nature. I am lucky in the sense that I have always been surrounded by people that love and support me, no matter what I do. As a child, I did not have much, but I did have a family that loved me. I was told that I could be whatever I wanted to be. I could lie to you and tell you that at eight years old I dreamed of drafting case briefs and arguing in front of a judge, but that simply is not true. Like many people, I have tried and failed at many things, which has molded me into the person that I am today: a person that desires to be a lawyer. I truly won the “parent lottery.” My mom and dad have always been enormous inspirations in my life. My dad came from a family where he essentially had to raise himself, and never had the opportunity to attend college. My mom came from the closed-off communist East Germany. They did not have much, but together, they had the drive to provide for my sister and me. With that desire, they became successful in their own ways and gave me a life where I never felt deprived. They were determined to give me all the opportunities they did not have. I was rewarded with something more valuable than money: I received unconditional support and encouragement. Along with their encouragement, my parents always stressed the importance of an education and continually learning. They instilled a passion for learning into me. I

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