I have always considered myself a lucky person; not lucky in the sense that I could win money on a lottery ticket or anything of that nature. I am lucky in the sense that I have always been surrounded by people that love and support me, no matter what I do. As a child, I did not have much, but I did have a family that loved me. I was told that I could be whatever I wanted to be. I could lie to you and tell you that at eight years old I dreamed of drafting case briefs and arguing in front of a judge, but that simply is not true. Like many people, I have tried and failed at many things, which has molded me into the person that I am today: a person that desires to be a lawyer. I truly won the “parent lottery.” My mom and dad have always been enormous inspirations in my life. My dad came from a family where he essentially had to raise himself, and never had the opportunity to attend college. My mom came from the closed-off communist East Germany. They did not have much, but together, they had the drive to provide for my sister and me. With that desire, they became successful in their own ways and gave me a life where I never felt deprived. They were determined to give me all the opportunities they did not have. I was rewarded with something more valuable than money: I received unconditional support and encouragement. Along with their encouragement, my parents always stressed the importance of an education and continually learning. They instilled a passion for learning into me. I
For eighteen years now my parents have influenced me to do my best in academics and extracurricular activities. Both of my parents have gone to college and both have had successful careers. My dad was a highly recognized Police Chief for Waukesha County and is now on the
For the summer assignment, I read Make Lemonade (1993) by Virginia Euwer Wolff, and I viewed the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986). This project was an exploration of the similarities among and the feelings of adolescents in different settings, having varied experiences and through time. Many young adults, including me, perceive themselves and others in a negative fashion. Both Make Lemonade and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off examine the ideas of young adults overcoming challenges and changing their mindsets.
During Sharon M. Drapers childhood years, they were very successful because of her parents. Her parents encouraged her and her siblings to study, work hard, and as a result they could reach any goal they set for themselves. As encouraging as her parent were, they would set standards for each child and push them to be the best they could be. Her parents taught her that every opportunity you get you take because you never know what the future holds for many cases. In the educational aspects “For her parents education was precious commodity”. (SharonDraper1) Ever since the time
My mom came from a poor family. Her family didn’t have a lot of money. She was the oldest of five kids. Her mom had to work a lot to provide for all of them. Her mom kicked her out when she was 13. She’s been on her own ever since. She didn’t have any money or a job. She had to stay with a friend. So, she finally found a job when she was 15 and she has been working ever since.
As a child, I never realized the obstacles my family went through and why they wanted me to be the best student at the school. My parents tried their best in sheltering me from the truth but I always knew we were struggling financially. Growing up, I witnessed my parents struggle to find jobs and a stable house
Thanks to my parents pushing me to do my best, I have an outstanding work ethic in school and on the field. Because of this effort and work put in, I have been a captain on basketball, football, and baseball teams. Not only were my parents important factors but, so were my coaches and teachers. Coaches and teachers have pushed me to do the best I could and told me when I did things wrong, but praised me when I did them right. They helped to slowly build my character, leadership, scholarship and dedication to everything and anything that I do so that when I had to do something it was done the right way instead of halfway.
My parents have worked from sunrise to sunset for 22 years now. I have been throught most of it with them. I am aware that I am, where I am because of my parents hard work and dedication to make their dream a reality for my siblings and I to receve a higher eductaion. My parents have tought me very well that
Ever since I was a young child, my parents always told me to try my best in school, they always told me this for the reason that they never had the opportunity to have a good job because they never finished school. This event is shaping me to care a lot regarding my education. In addition to that, another event that has shaped me to become the person I am today is that since my parents don’t have good paying jobs they have to work hard to take care of me and my siblings this event has caused me to become a hard working person and to seize all opportunities to live a good life because I don’t want to struggle like my parents.
I realized from a very young age that hard work would always produce an exuberant reward. While growing up my parents gave me copious opportunities to earn money by doing chores and projects. Every time I earned money for taking out the trash or feeding my dog, my mother would lecture me to save it. I would never listen, and instead I would squander it on the first soda or chocolate bar that crossed my path. One of the most memorable moments in my lifetime was when I got my first job working at Subway®. It wasn’t the best job, but it made me feel self-sufficient. The weekend after I received my first paycheck, with the assistance of my mother, I went and opened a savings and checking account at our local bank. My mother expressed to me that it is important
My parent have alway said to me, never to give up on what I'm trying to accomplish or the goal that I'm trying to reach even though if it seems impossible. That they will alway support me on anything that I want to do, maybe not financially wise because they will help the best they can. My whole life things were never just handed to me, I worked for them and some people tell me that my parents should do more for me that I shouldn't have to work so hard because I'm just 17 years old that I'll have the rest of my life to work, but I think differently because it made me realize life isn't just fun and games, it helped me mature faster then most kids, it also gave me life skills that will help me out in college and life after college.
My dad works in maintenance in a textile factory while my Mother work in a Restaurant to support our family. Blessed by my parent unwavering support, it would have been more difficult to get as far in school as I have, their hard work inspires me to becoming a
Although my life is not like those of a typical teenager’s, I am and will be forever grateful for all that my parents had provided me. For providing me with love and care, for raising me to become a disciplined individual, for providing me with the inspiration that I need when I fail at times, and most importantly, for finding the courage to send me off to college even without the full financial ability to. I am proud of my international background, of my parents, of my heritage and myself for finding the courage
Watching my mother live from pay check to pay check when I was young was difficult. It was always hard for my mom to keep up with other parents but, she still somehow managed to get me everything I wanted, and more. Even though I was too young to understand, I could feel the stress, and the struggles my mom faced every day. She was only 20 years old when I was born and, because of that she had no choice but to grow up fast. At such a young age, I saw the effects of being a single parent, and the ways it changed my mom. She not only had to be a young mother but, she had to find a way to replace the void of a father, or a father figure in my life. My mom was strong, independent and courageous. Growing up watching her live her dreams under all the circumstances she faced, made me want to strive for a better life for myself. Seeing how hard is was to live and to have enough
Ever since I was little and did not know how to do basic things like walk, talk or solve an algebraic equation. Naturally I would get discouraged and would not try to do it again. However, my parents effortlessly raised me, had encourage me to keep going. That I would get what I wanted if I put my heart into it. I’m not spoiled like Simon sinek would say we were raised with bad parenting skills.; my parents did not argue with my teachers over a stupid grade or to force me intro honors class room.
As I entered my teen years, my father expected more out of me than just being a good student. Dad always seemed to have projects going on around the house, and I became his helper. It did not matter what the project was, he always seemed to need my help and I was not happy about that. I had better things to do than wasting a weekend working around the house. Somehow my dad knew how to do everything and felt it was his job to teach all of it to me. I was a teenager and had all of the knowledge I would ever need, so I thought. As it turned out, most of the skills I obtained helping my father led me to a rather lucrative career in manufacturing a few years later.