
My Life : My Father's Purpose In Life

Decent Essays

Like every other teenager trying to find himself and his purpose in life, I was confused. Being a 15 year old kid, moving from one city to the next every 2 years with my father due to his job requirements as a judge, everything looked transient. I had to give up my school, my friends and my comfort zone whenever we had to move. I dreaded it. But my father gave me a whole new perspective on life. He taught me to always keep my head up and look at the bright side of things. He instilled in me a regard for the constants in one's life and what bigger constant than love, compassion and life itself. My father taught me commitment, resilience and perseverance to face life challenges. Biggest test of these teachings came right at the moment when my life had finally started to take shape. My father who has been my greatest source of inspiration, strength and virtue suddenly lost all hope and succumbed to despair upon his diagnosis of Hepatitis. Throughout his life, he has been a very hardworking and focused individual juggling between an office job, evening classes at the law school, appearing in the judicial exams and then acing them. The one I looked up to for strength was now in need of encouragement. This well needed help came in the form of my father’s doctor. I saw my father’s spirits lifted and his hopes restored by his doctor who assured him that he would be well again and he can rely on him for care and guidance. This moment etched an everlasting impression of patient care

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