
My Life In Vietnam

Decent Essays

It was like any other day for me, just on the couch watching netflix on my TV. I was probably around the age of twelve at the time when my mom gave a heart wrenching phone call. She was crying over the phone and what she told me was that my grandma had become ill. I started to hesitate because I knew where she was going with this. She wanted to be with my grandma and to do that we’d have to fly over to Vietnam. The reason to my hesitation is because if we were to go to Vietnam then I’d have to miss out on a year of school. She said,”I’m sorry for doing this knowing you might miss out on school but it’s your grandma and we need to be there for her.” My friends would then be a grade away from me and because of the difference in year there …show more content…

Not only that other family member from other parts from the US also came to see my grandma. In a way you could say it was kind of like a long family vacation. We had a meet up together in the city to plan out what day to go see my grandma because my grandma live deep in the countryside of Vietnam. We’d have to hire some outside people to drive us there because none of my family in Vietnam drive a truck or car. Most of them drive motorcycles since it’s the most convenient vehicle there. The workers that we hired told us we’d have to be ready by five in the morning because the drive there could take about half the day and not to mention there might be traffic too. For the amount of people we took about three vans. It was actually fun though because the car I was in was with all the kids and about two adults to supervise. It was probably like this so the adults could discuss about what they going to do when we got there. They wanted to prepare in case the situation does get …show more content…

Since it was the country there wasn’t much to do but it didn’t mean the country was empty. For example our neighbor had small farm so we’d get to play with the animals and we even got to swim in a lake. After the course of around 3 months we had been taking care of my grandma, she had died on in the morning. I could remember as it was yesterday. It seems like she had died during her sleep and one of my aunts had informed the family of this. Of course there were people crying but we had to prepare a funeral so there was no time to be sad. The funeral was a long process as it was through three days. A day to mourn, a day to pray, and a day for the burial. After all that happened my family went back to the city to take a break and rest. We stayed for a week or two before we started heading back to the US. We rented a hotel room and to be honest it felt great to be back in the city. Not to say the country was bad, it was just to be back in the comfort of an air conditioned room. Slowly members of my family started going back home and it came the time for my mom and me to leave. I said my good-byes and before I knew it I began to think back on my decision. I was thinking why did I struggle about the choice I was given. I mean education is important but when it comes to family you only have one chance. I mean if I chose

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