
My Last Duchess Sociopaths

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Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Edmund Kemper, and Charles Manson. All of these people have something in common. They are all sociopaths. Sociopaths share some common characteristics: having a God complex, being easily annoyed, believing that rules do not apply to them, and lack of empathy or remorse. These qualities can be dangerous when combined in one person, and that is why many serial killers are found to be sociopaths. In his poem, “My Last Duchess”, Robert Browning presents us with a character that possesses all of the aforementioned traits. This character is the Duke of Ferrara, and his perilous personality results in the death of another, much like other sociopaths. Browning develops his character using the Duke’s unique voice, word connotation, and tone shifts. Browning chooses to relate this story in the Duke’s first person perspective as he is talking to another character because it gives the reader special insight into the Duke’s sociopathic nature. First, the mere fact that he admits to committing a capital crime in front of another person shows how he thinks he is above the law. Then Browning …show more content…

Most of the time he will present a reaction that she has to him or something that he does, and then go into actions of other people that produce the same reaction. By saying she was “too soon made glad”, he changes every smile, kind word or “spot of joy” into something wrong. One generally thinks upon these things as good and desirable, but the Duke looks down upon them, and consequently looks down upon his wife for possessing them. When he repeats example and example of similar things, the Duke drives home his ill thoughts of his wife. His tone when describing her is mocking and condescending, when her only fault is being happy. The contrast with this light, carefree soul makes his own seem all the darker. Browning presents the Duke as an emotionless monster, and the Duke does not even seem to

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