
My Journey In My Life

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I was always told that I could walk at a very early age. Back when I think about it I was always running as a child. I could never keep still. I was placed into every sport imaginable played soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and even tennis. After I tried them I ended up getting tired of them. The only sport I really stuck with was soccer but in time it faded too. After that, I started to notice slight pains in my hips and I would usually walk with a limp. I went to the doctor on multiple occasions to fix this problem however their answer was always the same, growing pains. Then I was 14 years old and I started my high school career. I went to West Springfield high school. I had realized that I had just moved into a new situation in my life that I had completely no control over. So, in an effort to find people to talk to and find some friends in my new environment, I decided to join a club or a sport. However, after I thought about it I had nothing I felt I could properly assist in. After much debate, I came to the conclusion of joining the crew or rowing team. I quickly made friends with the other freshman that were wanting to try-out. After working on the rowing machine, erg, I made it and so did my friends. Then came the hard part. Every day after school for five hours we worked out tirelessly. There were blood, sweat, and tears that were shown during those workouts. We did strength training to running miles to rowing two kilometers and running 3 miles to even

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