
My Insanity Case Study

Decent Essays

My insanity case is People v. Wilbur, 226 Ill. App. 3d 733 (3rd Dist. 1992). In this case, the defendant was a 14-year-old being charged as an adult for a murder that happened in 1988. It was said that child showed that he didn’t regret what he had done. The child admitted to the crime. The defendant’s expert witness said that the child suffered from schizophrenia and that he has heard “voices” in his head. The jury came to the verdict of guilty but mentally ill. The 14-year-old was sentenced to 60 years in prison. The trial court case was appealed is now in the hands of the Appellate Court of Illinois. Two expert witnesses disagreed on the defendant’s state of mind at the time of the murder. One saying that he was able to conform his acts to the law. The other saying, he was not. (pg. 736). The Appellate Court affirmed the trial court’s decision. My case where age is an issue is People v. Santos, 333 Ill App. 3d 1 (2nd Dist. 2002). This issue, in this case, was the rape of a 13 to 17-years-old, while he is 5 years or older than …show more content…

Hari, 218 Ill 2d. 275 (2006). The charges, in this case, was attempted murder of his wife, and the murder of her lover. He was sentenced to prison for 48 years for murder and an additional 25 years for the attempt. The case was appealed due to the defendant’s involuntarily intoxication. The defendant had been taking an antidepressant and mixed it with Tylenol PM. The defendant claimed to be in a confused state. It was like he was there, but not there. The defendant had a psych evaluation, thought the doctor claimed that he had many problems, he was sane. According to the Supreme Court, there was evidence that the defendant was involuntarily intoxicated to do the mixed drugs Zoloft and Tylenol, last of sleep and his previous alcohol dependency. The jury didn’t know that the defendant had to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This case was sent back to the circuit court for a new

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