
My Home Life

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When I was in middle school, I was very depressed. I was struggling to find my place among my peers and be accepted the way I suppose I wanted to. And my home life wasn’t the best; my dad was suffering from a brain tumor and my mom was stressed about it. We had multiple people living in our home because I have six other siblings and we do not have a big house. Because of all of this and bullying in school, online bullying, and bullying in the real world, I had a poor sense of self-concept and thus a poor self-esteem. I was cutting myself starting in about fifth grade until about seventh grade. I also smoked weed and drank often in middle school, which surprises many people, yet it isn’t abnormal among my friend group.
In 8th grade, I got in trouble with the law at school, because I decided it may be fun to smoke weed at school. To be fair, I had gotten away with it before. Yet, this led to me being put on probation. Then, I got in trouble with the law again. I had mace and my friend discharged it in the classroom, this led to a court date. In the time between the charges and the court date, my friend who I had recently become close to, passed away; jargon for dying. He was playing basketball and his heart stopped. I don’t recall the specifics, but I do recall being in the car with my sister and receiving a phone call from my friend Ashlyn saying, “KB died. His heart stopped.” I just remember crying. It was the first time someone close to me had died. I went to his wake and

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