
My High School Experience

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“Average? Who wants to be average?” (Rose). During my high school experience, I went through a ton of stress trying to figure out my path to educational success. I was a decently good student with grades consisting of C’s to A’s. Dealing with problems in high school made me realize what I should had done to obtain a proper education. Author Mike Rose of “I Just Wanna Be Average” and article writer Jessica Lahey of “Teaching Math To People Who Think They Hate It” both state solutions to my problems. During high school, I was not very interested during lecture and had a love and hate relationship with math. How I would improve my experience is to do more hands on activities and to learn math in a different way. I am often easily distracted or am uninterested during lectures because the teacher doesn’t let students talk or provide opinions and gives lectures throughout the whole class period. From a perspective of a person who learns best from hands-on activities and taking charge during group work, this made me very uninterested in learning. In my English class, I learned little to nothing because the teacher’s teachers were very bland was not responsible. This teacher was very messy and has absolutely no idea what they were doing. Having experiencing this in a class that is mandatory to pass made me stress out because I started to have thoughts of “I don’t care about my homework/classwork.” Throughout his lecture, he would go off the track and discuss their personal life which has no information pertaining to what we were learning. Ever having this teacher, I lost the meaning of learning because I wasn’t able to provide my point of views and interact with my peers about the lecture. Learning does not appeal to me without a sense of confidence and motivation that I will succeed in class.
During my junior year in high school, I had never gotten a failing grade before in my life until I took Trigonometry. After that experience, I disliked math because I didn’t learn anything throughout the school year about Trigonometry. The problem was that the teacher didn’t provide any support to the class and she believes that her “methods” of teaching were proper, but the end result was 80% of the class was failing.

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