
My Grandfather 's House For The Weekend Essay

Decent Essays

Another Friday afternoon, and my sister and I are traveling on Highway 70. We are heading to my Grandfather’s house for the weekend, and my mind is sifting through memories of him telling me about his childhood. “Back when I was a boy...”, he would start, and I, or my cousins, would playfully respond with, ”Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, Pa?”. That is how our time machine starts to the past, and by the end of our conversation we are left with a fascinating story of how some mundane building we have driven past a million times was once a place that fueled my Grandfather’s hometown in Mcminnville, Tennessee. My Grandfather’s stories are more than stories though, they are history. His memories are mental books from the past that only make my own life seem mundane. My grandfather drawing water from a well as I turn on the sink, or him walking next door just to use a phone while I send text messages by the minute. My Pa comes from a long line of farmers and handymen, and although he scoffs at some technology, it has been a major part of his life, and has grown up with him almost like a sibling. My Grandfather’s story begins in a home built by my Great Grandfather. He was born Ronald Lorance, and was the youngest of five children. The year my Pa was born was when electricity was first installed into the house, but it was very basic, and they still drew water from a well, and cooked on a wood stove. In elementary school, he would walk two miles to River Side School. This

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