A lot of the dilemmas that arise in the professional world fall into the gray area. Not knowing how to properly respond to the dilemmas will lead to wrong decisions that sometimes end a person’s career. Learning about professional responsibility allows me to gain an exposure to the dilemmas that I may encounter at the workplace. In modules one and two, I have learned to identify my values and define professional responsibility through readings and class activities. My five core values are honesty, respect, perseverance, kindness, and passion. For me, honesty and respect are the most important ones, because I strongly believe in the Golden Rule. It is only through honesty that trust can be built upon. Mutual respect is about being nonjudgmental about the differences between another individual and I. Though I may not agree with another person’s beliefs or life choices, I still refrain from making criticisms on the thoughts or actions of another, and I want to be treated the same way. It is especially important to show respect to those with a medial job, because some people often forget that they are still active contributors to the well-being of the society. In addition, I believe that nobody is entitled to his or her success. Perseverance keeps me working diligently toward my goals. Sometimes the tasks are dull, but I will not easily give up if they bring benefits to me at the end. A simple act of kindness does not require much effort, but it can make someone else’s life
I have learned a lot after identifying my top 7 core values now I will compare them on a personal level, local level, and a global level. The first core value I identified was economic security, and I can compare this on all three levels. On a personal level, I contribute on a daily basis by working at The Home Depot. By working at The Home Depot, I contribute to my economic security by making a salary which helps pay for school. On a local level part of the money I make goes to taxes which help local citizens afford food and healthcare. Globally I contribute by helping people install greener and more environmentally friendly options. The second core value that I discovered that was important to me is health. On a personal level, I contribute
In the article “Anonymous social media- Understanding the content and context of Yik Yak” the authors : Erik W. Black, Kelsey Mezzina, and Lindsay A. Thompson argue that even though Yik Yak, an anonymous social medial aimed for college students does present potential abuse, it does not demonstrate serious threat to students. The study was conducted for three days across 42 different college campuses.The author proclaims that the college campuses that were used in the research to study the content of yik yak posts are located in the Eastern and Southern parts of U.S. To support their claim, the authors incorporate numerical data from their study. The purpose of this research was obtain a better understanding of what type of content students
Promoting the same values across all working relationships: recognising respect, patience, honesty, reliability, resilience and integrity are qualities valued by children, young people, their families and colleagues.
A few core values that I place importance on in my life are responsibility and reliability. Respecting others is an extremely important value. I believe we all have a responsibility to be respectful because the respect that others are given is what is returned to you. I respect my teachers and do all
4.) The top values that are most important in my career our accomplishments, advancement, cooperation, economic Return, Independence, helping others, loyalty, Recognition, security, and teamwork.
Choose five character or personal values that you feel are the most important and write a one page document. Explain why each one is important and make at least two strong points for each.
Values and morals are an integral part of life; values define who we are on a personal and professional level. My personal and professional values are similar but are used differently on a personal and professional level. In this code of ethics I have identified my core values as respect, honesty, loyalty, integrity, professionalism, and responsibility. Developing a code of ethics has provided me with an opportunity to reflect on my values and evaluate how I turn those values into action.
Everyday individuals are faced with issues associated with ethical dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas involve an individual’s behavior toward a moral standard, which may have been established from previous generations and passed along. In upholding the standards taught individual may be forced to take a particular action involving a decision when a behavior is considered non-ethical is when an ethical dilemma occurs. It can become difficult at times in making the correct decisions or solutions to the situation, which is why a code of ethics is established in the workplace. The code of ethics in the
It is important that you develop an awareness of what you value, as these values will be important in informing your relationships with clients, co–workers and employers.
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics, and career success. A person’s personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and ethics in the workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the workplace will help foster a successful career. This paper will cover professional values and ethics and how they can influence the success of a career. Also discussed is how professional values and ethics are based on the foundations of personal values, professional and academic
Personal values may conflict with ethical decision making if those personal values are different than the organizational norms of the business or institution. Constructing, and maintaining personal ethics in the workplace rests with the individual, and how willing he or she is in assimilating to the evolving cultural dynamic of the corporate world. Many times a person find their personal, cultural and/or organizational ethics conflicting and must reconcile a course of action that will mitigate cognitive dissonance. In order to be a productive member of society, in small groups and globally, one must reconcile these conflicts on a daily basis and continually move forward while maintaining personal integrity and
In reviewing your personal and professional values, what surprised you, and what helped you affirm your beliefs?
As a person I believe I have strong values and have made right choices in my life. I am a very honest and dependable person that makes a positive impact at home and the workplace. We gain out outlook on values from day one starting with our parents and on up to role models and our environment. These values can change depending on outside factors and events in our lives. Values help us differ from right and wrong and help us with decisions every day. One of the biggest venues for values is in the workplace where we face challenges and obstacles all the time. Working with others and on team’s present challenges where our values come into play on how we work cohesively.
Values often use modified methods and styles; I have utilized these different ethics in my career, which has aided me in improving, the environment at work and in my life. Having these particular skills of approaching situations causes an optimistic environment, respect for others, honesty, and reliable outcomes. I have had the comfort of knowing whether, you’re working or at home or out in public, individuals appreciate this kind of merit. These values cause high points in your character with families, patients and your colleagues. Real richness comes from knowing you’re assisting patients with top-quality care, and these goals are obtainable. Identification of these values prepares an
My core values consist of the following: accomplishment, benevolent, determined, gallant, helpful, merciful, opportunity, optimistic, perseverance and vigorous.