
My First Love : The Influence Of Music In My Life

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Music was my first love, and I don't think that will ever change. I've loved music for as long as I can remember. From my brother singing songs in our car, to my parents filling our house with songs from musicians like Johnny Cash, ACDC and Prince and everything in between and to my first piano lesson.
Music has impacted my life and many others lives so greatly, I thought what better time to highlight some of the many benefits of music, in schools, mental health and how music affects our brain.

According to Anita Collins, a neurologist with a Ph.D. in music, every time we listen to music, there are fireworks going off in our brains. Multiple different areas work together to process the music you hear, taking apart things like melody and rhythm, then putting them back together in a split second like a backyard fireworks show. Cool right? But what’s even cooler is when we learn to play an instrument, the backyard firework show is now a spectacle. Every time a musician plays their instrument it uses almost every part of our brain. especially parts such as the motor, auditory and visual cortices. Which basically means the parts of our brains we use for movement, seeing and reading, and listening. It also uses both sides of our brain and strengthens the connections between the two sides which help us be better problem solvers. Playing music also enhances memory, slows memory loss, can lower blood pressure and lower our heart rate. Music also affects our mood. As we play

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