
My Family And Social Stereotypes Of A Family

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While my family plays into this stereotype, husbands are the working breadwinners and wife’s stay home and tend to the children and the house work, I find with our society we are moving away from this cultural norm that once was. For example, I know a family that does the opposite, this couple (like my family) decided that when they were ready to have kids that they wanted their children to be raised at home until they were of school age, so this meant that someone was going to have to stay home with the children, the wife is a dentist and the husband had an office job, so when the time came and they decided to expand their family they sat down and looked at the finances and said while it might be easier to have mom at home with the baby (due to feeding and societal pulls) they realized that financially it made the most sense for dad to give up his job and mom to be the “breadwinner.” While this goes against “social norms,” it was the smartest for their family at the time. They have done this twice and both times it made sense for mom to continue to be the bread winner in the family; for my family it works out the other way around. Like in most circumstances, I have talked to my friend about her situation and she says she doesn’t mind it one bit that she is the bread winner and he is not, but she does find it odd how many people tell her that her situation is odd or against the norm, she wonders “Would they rather I make less just to be norm?”.
While in earlier times women

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