
My Failure Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Ethan Tran Mrs. Horne Composition 7 September 9, 2015 My Failure In 6 grade what was your hardest subject? Wanna hear my side of the. As I walked to go to Math class I would get nervous. Looking back to 6 grade it was one of my hardest classes I had ever taken. I faced different challenges. There were many nights that I stayed up late finishing my homework . I remembered banging my head on the wall for not getting the right answers. My mom would hear a loud noise from my room and would come in to tell me to stop. “Ethan stop banging your head on the wall” said Mom. I tried but Math was still hard to overcome. I had Math homework everyday. Not only did I have to do worksheets, but I was required to spend at least 3 hours per week on

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