In my experience in working with children, I have been placed in sites where the population was diverse.
These environments were beneficial because I was exposed to lifestyles of children from different nationalities and socioeconomic statuses, and I saw how their resources affected them. As a staff member working in the Children’s Ministry at my church, I saw firsthand how a child who struggled to learn a play and was constantly absent from church shadowed their absence in school and their failure in their coursework. Every Saturday the children were practiced for the upcoming programs at church. During this time, the kids were expected to read, write and understand different materials such as play scripts, song lyrics and basic behavior skills to perform while in church. After speaking to the parents of those children who were not prepared, I soon learned that their performance in school was also failing.
Because the children’s ages were so vast, I learned achievements and weaknesses common to their age range. Worksheets and level of difficulty in plays and song lyrics were distributed according to each child’s level of reading and ability to focus. Many developmental and behavioral patterns explained by Freud and
Erikson that was taught in my psychology courses became evident. These lessons helped me shape my
Bible quizzes and homework so that they would be age appropriate. Instead of giving a 5 year old a bible verse to remember for next week’s Sunday
As a teacher I work with children and I love my job. I have taught primary school children of varying ages. I like to think of myself as a dedicated and I think that dedication comes from my personality in the fact that any venture I take on I will put in my best and also the great responsibility it is to assist and develop a young person. I also don’t necessarily take a child’s behaviour at face value. If a child is acting out or not themselves there is normally something deeper going on and I will always try to find the time to talk to them to at least let them know they have someone that will listen to them if they need. I have also found that if a child has truly overstepped the mark dealing with them is always best when you are not reacting in the heat of the moment.
Social work is a career that I have always been interested in, especially working with children and families. Helping people overcome obstacles and making the most of themselves is a very rewarding and yet a challenging career. I’ll have the chance to meet a variety of different people with different problems from cases of abuse and neglect as well as supporting those in the care system. I am particularly interested in working with children and families who often form the most vulnerable service users, developing a professional and trusting relationship with them, hopefully enabling them to participate fully in society.
Erikson was a German psychologist and psychoanalyst. He was a student of Freud, and was greatly influenced by his theories of personality development. Similarly to Winnicott, Erikson drew on his experiences as a child analyst, to inform his contributions. Erikson’s theories, like Winnicott, are highly regarded today.
During these formative years, I learned and accepted hard work and determination as essential components of life. Having to walk miles to my father’s farm after school; planting and harvesting crops all year round; helping my mother make “soya milk” to sell at the market; tending to the household chores; caring for my younger siblings; were all accomplished while studying to make good grades in school. Soon discipline,
Girls would go to school until the learned how to read. The boys started school at 7 A.M, they have several breaks throughout the dat. They would get off at 4 P.M. They would attend school six days a week. In the summer the school day started at 6 A.M. If the boys were rich they would go onto college. Girls went home to clean, cook, and other household things.
Erikson’s main contribution to psychology was his developmental theory. He developed eight psychosocial stages of development and believed that each stage presents
I believe that children are my first priority and I will do my best to nurture the inherent gifts that each one brings and shares with me. I believe what greatly makes a difference in a child’s life is a teacher who cares about each child and who teaches from the heart to touch or challenge every aspect of a child’s personality, cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and cultural during his or her journey with me. I also believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn, gain knowledge, and be educated. I will encourage the child to learn and develop at his or her own level. With the guidance, scaffolding, and learning, they will gain knowledge and explore the world in a safe
A. The concepts, themes, ideas, and details are addressed in questions and tasks derived from the text.
I have over 20 years with working children from at-risk adolescents, group homes, teacher assisted, and driving a school bus. The 20 plus years working with children, I have learned to be multitask as assisting children with homework, participate with daily activities such as art & craft to playing in/outside sports, and preparing lunch/dinner. I have work at Devereux of Florida, The Grove, and now present employed at Seminole County Public Schools. The skills I have to successfully fill this position is providing Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security for every children. I can also help and supervise students with math or any assignments to make sure he or she complete their task. I have skills in customer service, knowledge in Microsoft
Previously, education was reserved for the wealthy. There were also a few smaller schools for parents who chose to send their kids. For example, Huck Finn was not required to attend school, but chose to partly because his dad did not want him to. Although, as the 1900s came closer, more public schools were becoming more numerous and states were beginning to require school attendance. By 1920, all of the states required students from ages 8 to 14 to attend school for part of the year. These schools were one-roomed school houses with classes ranging in all ages. Kids walked to school everyday, most walked around four to five miles round trip. Students learned with limited school supplies, sometimes only a slate, chalk, and a few educational books. School discipline, however, could be rather strict. Teachers were allowed to smack kids with rulers and other objects. Another difference from today’s schooling is the lunches. There was no such thing as a school lunch program, so students usually carried their lunch to school in metal
I like to work with young children and I have skills that make me suitable for this type of work. Also, I gained experience of working with children in different places. Nowadays, many children engage in different types of activates to have some kind of support and self-confidence for themselves. However, that will be good for their development and personality. I love working with the children
As my experience working with children grows, I would like to gain the skills necessary to run a preschool program. I have worked primarily with infants and toddlers in the past few months, which has become a new focus of mine. Working with such young children allows me to have a productive impact on their cognitive development. This opportunity has been a great encouragement and I hope to run an infant-toddler program within a larger school. My more immediate goals are centered around gaining experiences in different facilities. By exposing myself to different programs and their unique styles, I will be able to see how different procedures, like those for resolving conflict, work for children. With time, these ideas would be integrated into my own program.
United Kingdom as a nation has national minimum standards requirements for children’s care homes. The current policies that govern those minimum standards include Children Leaving Care Act 2000, Human Rights Act 1998, Office for National Statistics and Local Authority circulars (e.g. LAC (2004). There is emphasis on multi-agency working following a child centred
When people working with children and young people work together it can be very positive for the children concerned. The adults could be
Texts for the lower primary school were mostly concerned with students’ daily life, ranging from household activities, games, animals, plants, geographic and