
My Experience Of Working With Children

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In my experience in working with children, I have been placed in sites where the population was diverse.
These environments were beneficial because I was exposed to lifestyles of children from different nationalities and socioeconomic statuses, and I saw how their resources affected them. As a staff member working in the Children’s Ministry at my church, I saw firsthand how a child who struggled to learn a play and was constantly absent from church shadowed their absence in school and their failure in their coursework. Every Saturday the children were practiced for the upcoming programs at church. During this time, the kids were expected to read, write and understand different materials such as play scripts, song lyrics and basic behavior skills to perform while in church. After speaking to the parents of those children who were not prepared, I soon learned that their performance in school was also failing.

Because the children’s ages were so vast, I learned achievements and weaknesses common to their age range. Worksheets and level of difficulty in plays and song lyrics were distributed according to each child’s level of reading and ability to focus. Many developmental and behavioral patterns explained by Freud and
Erikson that was taught in my psychology courses became evident. These lessons helped me shape my
Bible quizzes and homework so that they would be age appropriate. Instead of giving a 5 year old a bible verse to remember for next week’s Sunday

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