
My Experience Of Art

Satisfactory Essays

When first assigned to take this class I was excited; I have had a pretty good experience in almost all of my honors classes and then I found out it was about the arts and immediately knew I was in for it. I am not an artsy person at all, my experience in art was one year in high school in which I barely got an A and had vowed to never take another art or arts-based class again until this year. Like many other people I enjoy watching movies, television shows and listening to music, but I don’t want to spend hours throughout the week, having to analyze it and sometimes ruining the show because of delving too deep into it, I prefer to watch it and then move on. Having been in this class for the past five weeks my understanding and definition of Art has changed, primarily in the media. When you first asked how we define art in one word the first word that came to my mind was “waste”. I don’t mean waste in that it should have been burned and banned, but that I didn’t see it as something that I should have to take a class in, I appreciate the arts because it is a tedious job to create a piece of work and go through it being shot down and criticized from all sides, but I didn’t see it as important. I have come to realize that this view was ignorant and was primarily focused on my experiences with art in high school and boring art museum visits and only relating it to art, drawing, and paintings primarily, instead of the broader approach which would include visual and music.

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