
My Experience In My Life

Decent Essays

I was drowning in my tears. The life I once had was soon about to transform, and I wasn’t sure if it was for the best. My life’s been an ongoing rollercoaster, with several volatile destinations on the way. It was 2015 and my mom had just delivered the news that we were moving to New Orleans in a couple months. Well - you see, my heart has and will always be in Miami, the city where I watched myself sprout, where I roamed the streets on the quest for adventure.

Metathesiophobia, a fear of change, is what I would describe myself in one word. The thought of moving away and adapting to a whole new environment cringed under my skin. I was profoundly nervous of what Louisiana would be like and how people would react to my presence. I moved in August, and I can still remember the aching pain when I looked down my plane into the aerial view of Miami. I won’t hold back, Orleans was arduous and made me experience feelings I had yet to feel. I felt alone and gruesome to a point that I completely excluded myself out of even trying to make friends because all I could do was mourn over my hometown. At the time, I was dating a guy, who lived in Miami, and it was constantly a battle to try to maintain a “relationship” through long distance. I was pouring all my effort into him and keeping my connections with my old friends alive, that I forgot to make a healthy and adaptable lifestyle for myself. A few months into my departure, my boyfriend and I broke up, which crushed me and made my situation more burdensome than what it already was. However, I knew I couldn’t keep bringing myself down and that I truly had to devote myself to school in order to move back to Florida for college. I detoxified myself and released all my troubles to be gone. For the next couple of months, I saw myself grow into an applicated and outstanding student, receiving overachieving grades and getting recognition from my own teachers on the magnificent work that I provided. Fast forward to mid 2016, I felt reborn. I had made friends in school, I was getting along with my family, I was visiting Miami and keeping in touch with my friends, and my boyfriend and I managed to work things out. I was on cloud nine, until my mom hit me with another

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