
My Experience In My First Day Of College

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It was a warm and sunny day, I was able to sleep until eleven o’clock in the mooring. I woke up got dressed and attended my first college class. Walking across campus, I saw familiar faces from freshman orientation back in June. I felt comfortable starting my first day of college. I told myself that this was a new chapter in my life, and I wanted to make something special of it. I wanted to make a difference. My number one goal was to get myself known. I made so many friends by just simply making small talk. I know so many faces on campus and I can not wait to see what the future has in store for me. My personal involvement at Adelphi is the reason why I have made so many friends here at Adelphi. Starting back in June at Freshman Orientation, I got involved. I took it upon myself to break the ice within my group. Others were really shy, but I wanted to include everyone and make my three day experience worth it. Coming back in August was exciting, I got to meet even more people. Meeting people from all different parts on New York, America, and the world. I think it is so cool that my neighbors are from Japan. They even gave me some Japanese snacks. The first week at Adelphi was stressful. I really was not used to living away from home and I got home sick. After going home the first weekend, I cam back stronger than ever. My email box was flooding with emails from Adelphi. Emails about getting involved, joining clubs, and events. I attended Caliber which is an awesome club

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