
My Drinking Room Research Paper

Decent Essays

DRESSING ROOMS I hate to be six inches from my hips. What I see in the mirror makes me want to run out of the store screaming. .Are those rolls of flab,what are now called “muffin top? I have thunder thighs too, is not a piece of clothing made that would fit me. If I try on a pair of jeans, they fit me up to my knees, they get stuck around my ankles and I have to waddle about looking for someone to help me undress. I won’t look at blouses anymore, last time I tried on a blouse I couldn’t take it off. I was sweating and the material stuck to my wavy arms like glue. The dressing room attendant didn’t have to call security when I banged my head on the door. They stood outside the door and told me I had to leave the premises. “I will

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