
My Dream A Dream

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A Dream
When i was born, my first thought was that if humanity was to take care of me, I should be obligated to take care of humanity. I’ve always wanted to take care of everyone around me but sadly as time went by I realized that that would not be possible. I grew up with stories of my country, and how its’ own people would kill each other every day jus for the fun of it. I never understood why people found the death of others so amusing but what I did understand was that I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to change the world ever since I was old enough to speak. I would always watched out for others and defended those who could not defend themselves. To me, that’s what life is about, helping this world become a better place, even if you have to do it one person at a time. I left my country when I was five in search of a better home. My mother came to the U.S. a year before I did, by the time I got sent over she was already settled down. I remember the first day, the night before had been a rough night, we didn't sleep much, exhausted we made it to the United states. In the morning we arrived to my mothers house, It was Christmas Eve, as we walk in there was a huge to in the living room. I had never seen one so big, at the center of it was a big Christmas tree and under it were tons of presents. Before that, I didn’t even know about Santa. I had no idea that on Christmas morning all the kids got presents. I was stoked to open all of them, one by one. I had never seen

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