
My Depression Monologue

Decent Essays

You broke me. You left me exposed. You only care about your own Depression. My depression reflects yours because I hate to see you hurt. But, you’re putting it on yourself. If it were me, I’d let it be. If you invest in me, in us, your depression will naturally resolve itself.
It’s always been about what’s best for you. What’s best for me? To be supported, to be loved. With your support, I wouldn't have such self-doubts or be so self-conscious. Did you ever think that maybe I want your attention too? I don’t want much, but there must be some room for me in you. Or, are you too obsessed about your own needs, your own pride.
I take pride in making others happy, being successful, taking the initiative, and overcoming this blitz of obstacles. You say you are proud of our family. You say you are proud of the person I have grown into, that I’m not a little brat but a …show more content…

It is a mental battle between love and hate: I love my family but I hate drifting apart. Of course, I am alone. I feel isolated because I am different from everyone else around me. I am a small country, on the other side of the ocean. He affected me too, affected me greatly. But “depression” put a wedge between us, and now it is hard for me to even talk to him.
Am I that different? I thought I was just like him. I guess not, or else you’d love me too. I am not him. I am not that gregarious, but I am more autonomous. I thought you would enjoy my company, but sometimes I feel like your irksome colony. Every conversation seems to end in some sort of fight.
The only time I’m the focal point of your attention is when I’m broken. It seems to be all the time now, maybe that’s because you’re the reason why I am broken. I’ll keep breaking if you don’t help me. I’m torn apart inside and out. I am torn between keeping his secrets and telling you. I’m torn physically. How many surgeries has it been? I feel rejection from everyone, even from my own

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