You broke me. You left me exposed. You only care about your own Depression. My depression reflects yours because I hate to see you hurt. But, you’re putting it on yourself. If it were me, I’d let it be. If you invest in me, in us, your depression will naturally resolve itself.
It’s always been about what’s best for you. What’s best for me? To be supported, to be loved. With your support, I wouldn't have such self-doubts or be so self-conscious. Did you ever think that maybe I want your attention too? I don’t want much, but there must be some room for me in you. Or, are you too obsessed about your own needs, your own pride.
I take pride in making others happy, being successful, taking the initiative, and overcoming this blitz of obstacles. You say you are proud of our family. You say you are proud of the person I have grown into, that I’m not a little brat but a
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It is a mental battle between love and hate: I love my family but I hate drifting apart. Of course, I am alone. I feel isolated because I am different from everyone else around me. I am a small country, on the other side of the ocean. He affected me too, affected me greatly. But “depression” put a wedge between us, and now it is hard for me to even talk to him.
Am I that different? I thought I was just like him. I guess not, or else you’d love me too. I am not him. I am not that gregarious, but I am more autonomous. I thought you would enjoy my company, but sometimes I feel like your irksome colony. Every conversation seems to end in some sort of fight.
The only time I’m the focal point of your attention is when I’m broken. It seems to be all the time now, maybe that’s because you’re the reason why I am broken. I’ll keep breaking if you don’t help me. I’m torn apart inside and out. I am torn between keeping his secrets and telling you. I’m torn physically. How many surgeries has it been? I feel rejection from everyone, even from my own
“I’m not changing everything about me to cater to some guy I don’t even know.” Or like, I added in my head.
Hey, how are you all doing out there ? Well, me I have just been trying to stay healthy and keep my head high so I can make it back to the only thing I have and that’s you all “my family”. I try not to think about you all too much because when I think about what's going on out there it makes me mad and I am so tired ‘’omg’’. We don't eat that much during war but when we get back to the base we eat pretty good, well actually really good. I notice that a lot of people donate food and medicine and first-aid kits too. I just got an Lee-Enfield rifle and it's a pretty nice gun, it can hold 10 bullets. I just been waiting to use it on, Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against the Allied forces of Great Britain, and there are some
Joe listen to me these addictions will end up killing you one day. You shouldn’t be doing anything like this you’re way better than this. One day you’ll have kids of your own and they’ll look at you and you will end up in shock. Please stop all of this nonsense please I beg you my son. Don’t do such
“It gets better”, is always a cliché saying for someone with depression to hear. The constant reminder that it can just “go away”, but it doesn’t. It stays with you as long as you’re alive. When people say that they have a broken arm, everyone flocks to them, wanting to put their signature onto the cast. If you say you have depression, they run the other way. People don’t want to be around somebody, who is stereotyped to self-harm, always cry, and look sad. Depression isn’t always that case. It’s this feeling of constant sadness that you always mask over with a bright smile, broken eyes, and the daily “I’m fine”’s.
I’m proud of my family. I’m proud that my dad’s hard work and dedication have allowed him to accomplish his dream of owning a restaurant, I’m proud that my mom graduated high school, and I’m proud that my family succeeded in finding their own version of the American Dream.
Find me in the ashes of death and lets rise together as one breath I plead to be forever yours, I never want to let you go cause you give me a reason to live without regretting the past fight, I've a heavy heart you complete me, cause I've nowhere else to go, you make my homeless soul fulfilled like the sun will rise your hugs reminds me everything will be alright I don't where to go since you left me in the snow, I'm all cold where did you go to leave me so low, why did you leave me to die, I'm bleeding alone without your eyes, you're the lyrics to my music, the chords to the melody of pain the beat to my joy lay your heart into mine let's drink each other's love like wine, I want to be the darkness and light lets fight this thing
Nor do I have the same emotional resilience or strength. There is already too much uncertainty around me which now makes me anxious (that will hopefully pass) which is detrimental to everything in my life. I don't have any expectations of you, nor am I making any demands of you but merely just asking. What do you really want from me if anything? (you never know whatever that is it might be OK). Too many people I care about have and are disappearing from my life, so I would just like to know where I am with you at least for now, so the ground under my feet quakes a little less and I can reduce my level of worrying. I’ve probably said more than
Depression has been an ongoing battle in my life and I have pushed every form of help that was handed to me. Instead of dealing with my feelings, a pushed them down. Now, we all know what happens if you take a bottle full of soda and shake it up. You take the top off to let some of that sugary goodness out, and it explodes all over you. The soda bottle is me, the soda is all of my feelings and thoughts that I keep buried inside, and the shaking is any emotionally stressful situation you can think of.
The depression is overwhelming. I cry uncontrollably. At its worst, I cannot move. Gravity seems to have added weight tenfold. I wake up in my bed, struggling to get out. I am unable to. Breathing hurts. I try to cry out for help, but I cannot move my mouth to form the words in my disgusted mind. I am trapped in my own head. I am trapped in my own body, a body that is entirely numb.
I was innocent and sweet Didn’t know the world I was a shell Empty, and all alone Nowhere to call home Where could I go?
I need help that i don’t want, like an anorexic girl that doesn’t want food. My pain causes too much for me to handle, It causes me to cry myself to sleep. My pain causes me to think i’m alone, That nobody cares, That i’m just a messed up little girl, That nobody likes and thinks is a freak.
isolating myself gets easier as the days go by I want to need you again I need to want you more than ever foreign sounds turn heads and your voice is turning mine your face has brightened but why does it dim when you look at me you've changed and I've changed but my skin still raises from the draft at the cross roads where I sold my soul to see you again all i'm asking is for you to detonate my heart if I looked into your eyes would you recognize me? it's only been a year but hurt has aged me quite some
1. No matter how hard we try to prepare ourselves for challenging experiences and try to stay positive, it becomes harder to do than planned when the time comes. It was the end of the last semester and I was on the verge of emotional depression that totally overwhelmed me. During the exam period, I wasted my weekends on the Internet, chatting and Facebook-ing. I needed to submit an important paper on Tuesday morning. On Sunday night, after wasting so much time of mine and having a little red eyes because of so much exposure to electronic screens, I sat down to write my paper. Only then did I realize that the paper was due the next morning, not on Tuesday. I was extremely nervous because it was too little a time to finish it. Moreover, I was so angry with myself that I wanted to cry. It was a realization that I was off course in my study habits and that I had not overcome my habit of willingly putting myself in difficult positions. The more I thought about being in that mess, the angrier I got with myself. I got even angrier thinking about how it was not the first time in my life that I put myself in such a situation. I could not concentrate on my paper because of that emotional response. Then suddenly I thought that I just needed to talk to someone and calm down. I called my classmate and just told her about everything. She said that the instructor had actually extended the deadline until Thursday. It was such a relief. I thanked her profusely and decided
Im enraged that this earth is going to burn to its ashes from climate change and us
Why must everything be about you? How will I know, then? We,