
My Day In My Life

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I started my day like I had every day for the previous seven months. Wondering if today would end with me laying ice cold and lifeless in a coffin. Seven months prior, I got my first E.K.G., I found out there was something drastically wrong my heart. Spontaneously, my heart would beat at a vigorous pace exceeding far past a normal heart rate. These spontaneous fits of speed were impossible to control and felt as though I was slowly being stabbed in the heart by a dull and rotten blade. Every breath I took would plunge the knife deeper into my chest. Then, at the point where I felt as though my heart may erupt out of my chest it would finally slow. I would catch my breath and my day would continue. I lived in a consistent cycle of fear and acceptance that each day could be my last. I feared the day may come that my accelerated heart rate may not slow down. Finally seven months later, the doctors were able to diagnose me with Supraventricular Tachycardia. I was immediately scheduled for surgery.
I woke up in my soft memory foam bed to my parents bustling around the house trying to get prepared for the big day. Below me I hear book covers scraping across the fabric of the bags they were placed inside of, and dishes clanging against each other down in the kitchen. I reluctantly rolled out of bed to join my busy family. I sulked across the wood floors, down the stairs and into the red Mazda waiting outside to transport me to the hospital. As I waited for my parents to join me in

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