
My Brother: My Michigan Hero

Decent Essays

Have you ever felt like you might lose one of your siblings well I I've had to dealt with that a couple times. My older brother is my Michigan Hero he is my daily inspiration he reminds me that even through the toughest challenges that life gives you you can still make it out of the situation just fine. My brother Zachary was born in 1999 on October 11th he just recently turned 17 and for the last 17 years he has not had any easy life but yet he still stays positive about life. My brother has always been my Michigan hero. When Zachary was only in 8th or 9th grade I remember the day my dad came home saying "Zachary got hit by a car" I didn't believe him because my dad is always joking around but my dad took me and my two younger siblings to see his bike. The bike wasn't as bad as I thought it would of been but Zachary and my mom were in Grand Rapids at the hospital. He was very lucky the peg in the back of the bike saved his life if he got hit just a little higher up he would of died. He had no broken bones and I mean none he only had bruises and he couldn't walk for awhile so he missed school, but his friends would come and visit him and his girlfriend at the time would come and see him too. …show more content…

He hasn't always had a perfect life that always goes his way but he's always gave me advice about life even when he was going through a struggle he was still there for me. His struggles in life has made me realize that no matter what you go through in life you can make it out just fine if you have a positive attitude. As long as you have a positive attitude you can get through any struggle in life you just have to be positive about it even if your life is falling apart. My brother Zachary is my Michigan hero even if we're three years apart and we might fight sometimes but no matter what we will always be the closet siblings out of the four of

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