
My Best Friends

Decent Essays

From Enemies to Best Friends
First day of 7th grade was amazing! Final period came and it was computer class. We would just sit on the computers and learn how to type fast. Once I finished I would play online games while everyone else got into groups. I sat alone because I had recently transferred to a new school due to moving to a new house. My first day of school finished and I had no clue how to get home, I had to remember what my grandma told me and just trust my gut. Walking home wasn't so bad but I took the longest way home. There was a group of girls I thought seemed nice so I followed them. They noticed me as the new kid and asked me to come join the walk home. Coming close to home I was alone again and there was another girl walking in front of me. I was minding my own business walking home, but she kept looking back at me. I found it strange but I continued. When she would turn I would turn as well and when she crossed the street I would too. It was accidental not knowing we lived close to each other but I can tell it was making her mad and confused because she kept looking back with a mean mug.
Finally, I was almost home and she turns a corner and right before I turn the same corner she confronts me, "why are you following me do need something?" I started to laugh and roll my eyes, she didn't know why I was laughing so she started to get really upset.
“If you keep laughing we’re going to have problems,” she says but back then

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