
My Best Friend

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Dogs have been man’s best friend since the first humans domesticated and lived with wolves tens of thousands of years ago. They hunted, ate, lived, and slept side by side for millennia until the once terrifying wolves became the lovable labdogs we have today. My best friend is my dog, Chief, and I wouldn’t be who I am if not for him. Before we found Chief, we tried adopting another dog, but it didn’t work out. A year later we found chief and took him in. Though it took some time to adjust, Chief had become my most beloved family member and my life is incomplete without him in it.
My family started thinking about buying a dog when we bought our own house in a small town near Joliet, Illinois. Despite our family having grown to a total of 6 people, we still thought it was a bit lonely. Our eyes were set on a Shih-Tzu mix at our local animal shelter I volunteered at. She had a mild temper and was the perfect size to cuddle with. In preparation for our new pet, my father went out and bought dog food, a crate, and half a dozen toys. The only thing we needed at this point was the dog, but when we went to go pick her up she had already been given away to another family.
About a year later, my father saw a post on Facebook about a lost dog. Its fur was grown out, matted, and caked in mud. Nobody had bothered to claim it in the two weeks since it was picked off the street. Hopeful of finding a new addition to our home, my family decided to take a look at the poor

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