
My Antonia: A Landscape Of Emotions Essay

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A Landscape of Emotions
Being consumed by one’s surroundings results in an impressionable experience.
Taking a deep breath of fresh air, admiring a breathtaking view, and watching the sizzling sunset evoke emotions. Willa Cather effectively evokes emotions in the reader, in order to relate to the characters’ feelings, by providing vivid descriptions of the setting, as well as through the reactions of Jim.
From the start of the novel to the very end, descriptions of the Jim’s environment reflect his feelings. Jim, being sent away, comments:
I do not remember crossing the Missouri River, or anything about the long day’s journey through Nebraska. Probably by that time I had crossed …show more content…

It seems as though Jim lost the world and does not care to return to it. At this point, the reader begins to pity Jim, wanting to comfort him while adding to the setting “in a little room, scarcely larger than the bed that held me, and the window-shade at my head was flapping softly in a warm wind,” (Cather 14). Once awaken in his grandparents’ house, Jim is greeted with both comforts and unbefitting circumstances.
Nevertheless, Jim’s sadness begins to lift, the more acquainted with his family and his surroundings he becomes. Jim’s mood apparently lightens:
As I entered the kitchen I sniffed a pleasant smell of gingerbread baking. The stove was very large, with bright nickel trimmings... (Cather 15)
The brightness of the descriptions changes the tone of Jim’s thoughts and attitude towards his family. The next morning , Jim decides to go outside and view his new home. He looks out and is pleasantly surprised by what he sees: a scene which rids the dark and cold of the prior night. He is no longer alone because of his fulfilling family and his new friend,
The emotions of loneliness, sadness, awe, and happiness are felt through out the story, but most strongly within the first few scenes. The descriptions of landscape help bring the reader into character's mind, experiencing their emotions. Each description of the

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