
Essay on My Air Force Experience

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I’m a prior enlisted officer with many years in the service. My long Air Force career and current leadership characteristics have been molded by incidents in my life and career. These incidents include my grandfather’s influence, significant events in my Air Force career, and my contributions to Air Force and national intelligence objectives in my current job. These three things are the leading factors that have made me the leader I am today. Each of these things contributed to different traits like; dedication to hard work, honesty, goal setting, initiative, persistence, and many more. The experiences I had growing up have ingrained numerous morals, and some of my beliefs that I still carry today. I grew up in Miami, …show more content…

I was a vehicle mechanic who learned that when I worked hard and learned my job well I could quickly make rank. I came in as an Airmen Basic and made my way to Technical Sergeant by my ninth year. I also learned how to set a goal and attain it. I first laid out a plan to finish my career development course and pass the end of course with a 90% or better. I attained that goal by scoring a 93% with on the job training and studying hard. Another moment of importance was my first assignment which was to Kadena AB Okinawa, Japan. In this job I worked with Japanese civilians that could not speak English well, nor did I know Japanese. I did realize that these people had all the experience and knowledge about the vehicles we fixed and that I needed to tap into that knowledge. The Japanese civilians and I would find ourselves drawing pictures of parts and stuff. Eventually, I took some classes and learned some Japanese. The Japanese new interaction with the Americans sharpened their English skills allowing more information to be shared. With this I learned you can overcome barriers with a little effort and initiative.

An additional event taught me to be persistent. This was through my attempts to get into the Airman Education and Commissioning Program (AECP). It took me over three years to get into the program due to deployments and errors on the part of education personnel with my records. Finally, I was

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