
My AP Calculus Class

Decent Essays

When I was growing up I always did well in my math classes in comparison to my other classes. Students have said “He only does well because he’s Asian.”; others said “He’s just naturally smart compared to the other students” . In reality, I was just extremely interested in math and spent most of my time wanting to study and understand the subject compared to science and reading. Whenever I am in a math class, whether it was my Algebra I class or my AP Calculus class, I am constantly thinking to myself “How were these mathematicians able to correlate how certain numbers had some type of relationship with a figure or equation such as the Pythagorean Theorem”? When I am in another class, like my English or AP Government class, my mind tends to stray away from taking notes or doing my assignment because I am always thinking about numbers and certain equations and how they are able to be applied into the real world.
Math is engaging because of how difficult every new concept you learn is and how I had to struggle so much in order to fully understand the concept. When I first walked into my AP Calculus class, I expected nothing but straight forward problems. This was not the case when I learned about derivatives and integrals because I struggled for …show more content…

In addition to this, math is captivating because of the various ways I am able to apply it in real life. Construction workers use a mixture of algebra and trigonometry when creating building. The size of a building and the area it covers is important for construction workers to keep note of when designing new buildings. In addition to this, chemist manipulate algebra when finding the weight of an element based on the conditions around the element, as well as how many atoms it contains. Math applications used by chemist increase their understanding of elements or molecules they are trying to

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