
Musical Sound Processing And Techniques Of Digital Music Essay

Better Essays

Musical sound processing and techniques of digital musical analysis comes developed along with speech processing and it might appear as a subset of speech processing. The difference of musical signals from speech signals are their qualities like harmony and timbre, melody and rhythm etc. Such qualities allow music to transcend the verbal speech and gives it the ability to influence the human brain and thereby health. The paper looks into methods of analyzing the above mentioned qualities of musical signal using fourth-generation programming language Matlab. Compact commands and simpler syntaxes make the processing easier and it provides us with all the information needed for further processing the music. More complex features such as the structure and form, statistical information and emotional characteristic of notes are also discussed. The paper presents how two different notes could be distinctly represented in terms of mathematical information obtained from processing of their wave forms. The Matlab toolbox- MIRtoolbox has been made use throughout the paper in order to simulate and present various ideas related to the characteristics of music. This toolbox has been designed specifically for digitally analyzing music and for extracting useful information from it. Only the software aspects are discussed in the paper
MUSIC is a language used almost everywhere in the world as a means of conveying emotions as well as a means of entertainment. Musical sound processing has

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